chapter 5

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"Bakugou! Come over here!" Pink cheeks calls over to me. I have my head on my goddamn desk because I actually couldn't have gotten a worse group. I begrudgingly get up because I don't want points off my Japanese grade.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Kaminari asks.

"Study, dimwit." I say.

"Awh that's boring." He whines. No wonder he's at the bottom of the class.

"Todoroki switch places with Deku, I don't wanna sit by him." I say.

He shakes his head no, and glances at Uraraka. Oh. It would mean that Deku would be sitting by Uraraka, giving them a chance to talk more.

"Actually, nevermind." I sigh.

"So, do we just compare notes and stuff?" Deku asks.

"Yeah I think so." Todoroki says.

"What if you don't take notes?" Kaminari asks.

"Start fucking taking some then. No wonder your stupid ass is at the bottom of the class." I say to him.

"Kacchan, stop." Deku says.

"I've tried to help him but he doesn't listen." I say, crossing my arms and leaning back on my chair.

Uraraka sighs. "We should all start taking notes and then compare them! Kaminari, this includes you."

"Fine." He agrees.

"For now, let's all compare notes and let Kaminari copy off of ours." She says. This girl get on my nerves, but at least she's organized.

We all get our notes out, except for Kaminari.

"Kacchan, I can't even read that." Deku says.

"Let me see yours then!" I say, snatching his notes. He organizes them with high lighters and shit, Uraraka too.

"I'm sorry I don't take the time to organize them. I have other shit to do." I say.

"You should maybe just work on your handwriting a little bit more, thats all." Uraraka says. "Anyways, let's start comparing notes now!"


The last bell finally rings, signaling the end of the school day. I don't think I can take much more of this study group shit.

"Bakugou," Todoroki says. "Let's walk back together."

"Fine." I agree. There's no use to fight him about it, he already knows how to get me to do whatever he wants.

"Kacchannnn, why don't you walk with us?" Kaminari whines.

"Fuck off. You guys annoy me." I say, walking out of the classroom with Todoroki.

"Can I talk this time?" He asks.

"Fine." I say. I can tell he was going to talk anyways.

"Do you really think this plan'll work?" Todoroki asks.

"God, I've already told you. We're doing fine, all we have to do is pretend. It's not too hard."

"Okay." Todoroki says. "Can I come over to your dorm?"

"Why?" I ask. I already saw him all day at school and I walked with him twice.

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