chapter 10

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The day before we got off for break, I sit at lunch staring at Todoroki. I'm not interested in their conversation, and I'd rather look at him than them.

"So, do you know if anyone has gotten with Deku yet? I mean, it's been a few weeks." Kaminari asks me.

"Nope." I say.

"I've seen him staring at you a bunch today, Bakugou. Maybe you're the one he likes." Sero says.

"Fuck off. Even if he did like me I'd reject him there and then." I say.

"So mean, Kacchan." Kaminari says, laughing.

"Didn't I say not to call me that?" I yell at him. I'm so focused on yelling at Kaminari that I didn't notice Deku come up behind me.

"Um, Kacchan?" He says. I whip my head around to look at him.

"What." I say, annoyed. This better not be what I think it is.

"Can I talk to you after school? Please?" He asks. My eyes go wide. I knew it was a possibility, but I never thought he had the balls to do it.

"Yeah sure. Just don't hold me up too much." I say, waving him off. I hope I looked like I didn't care, but I'm actually freaking out about this. I totally lost the bet! Now I'll have to pay him. But, I wonder if he's actually gonna do it or pretend it was about something else.

"Dude, is that what I think it was?" Kirishima asks.

"It totally was. You were right, Sero." Kaminari says.

"I'm always right." Sero brags. Annoyingly so, he's right.

"Aw man, why can't I have people confessing to me?" Kaminari whines while I glance over at Deku's table. Todoroki is looking at me, and I quickly turn back around. He probably knows what's going on too.

I'm not excited for this at all.


After school, I wait for Deku. I've never been confessed to, so I'm nervous too. And a little pissed off I was here before him. A few minutes later, he finally comes.

"So?" I ask.

"Well, I uh, have something to tell you." He says, looking down at his feet.


"Well. Kacchan, I've known you for a really long time, and I've always admired you. But now I realize I actually really like you. I have feelings for you." He says. I can see how much he's blushing even if he's not looking at me. I don't know how to go about this.

"Um, well. Okay." I say. That was not the right thing to say or the thing I meant to. "Well, I mean... um... I don't like you like that. At all. I have someone..."

"It's Todoroki, isn't it?" He asks. I didn't know I was being so obvious. I nod my head yes.

"Oh... I guess it can't be helped, huh?" He says sadly. "Kacchan, can I... can you do one thing for me?"

"Okay, what is it?" I ask. I kind of feel a little bad, rejecting him like this. I suppose the least I can do is a little favor after breaking his heart.

"Will you kiss me? Please?" He asks.

"Wha..." I start saying before he cuts me off.

"Just once... please. Then I can get over you." He says. He genuinely looks desperate.

"Fine. One time." I say.

I have no fucking idea on how I'm supposed to kiss someone. I've seen it done on multiple occasions, but I've never actually kissed anybody. The best I can do is to go from what I've seen. I put my slightly shaking hand lightly on his cheek. I lean in and kiss him, eyes shut and everything. My hand is still shaking. He pulls away before I do.

"Thank you, Kacchan." He says.

"Yeah... no problem." I say.

"Let's work on being friends, yeah?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." I say. "Oh also, if you're into girls that is, Uraraka really likes you. Maybe you should try liking her."

"Really, she does?" He asks.

"Everyone knows. Except you. What are you, fucking blind?"

"I just didn't know. Thanks, Kacchan." He says again, and this time he walks away.

What the fuck was that? He kissed me! No, more like I kissed him. I put my fingers to my lips. That was my first kiss ever, and of course it had to be Deku. I'd much rather have it be someone else, but I guess it can't be helped. I decide to walk the other way, as I don't wanna come back right after Deku. I walk around the corner, only to pass Todoroki. I turn around quickly.

"Did you hear all of that?" I ask.

"Why didn't you say me?" He asks, not turning around to face me. I'm shocked. No way he's this dense, right?

"You kissed him too." He says.

"Are you actually serious right now?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" He asks, still not facing me.

I grab his shoulder and force him to face me. "No way your this dense, right?"

"I don't get what you're talking about." He says. "The only thing I know is you said Uraraka and not me."

Now he's actually pissing me off. I didn't think he was this blind, god. "Are you really that oblivious to my feelings, you fucking idiot? I obviously didn't say your name for a reason. I wouldn't have kept fucking hanging out with you if I didn't feel like this." I say angrily at him. "I didn't know you were such a fucking dumbass. Maybe your dad knocked you around too much, huh?"

He looks at me, and I immediately regret what I said. It looks like I actually hurt him.

"Did you really just say that?"

"Todoroki, I didn't mean it."

"I don't wanna hear it." He says, turning away from me. "I'm just surprised you'd go that far. Don't talk to me right now, Bakugou."

Dammit. I really fucked it up this time.

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