George weasley

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"George please let me explain" he couldn't even look at me , I thought he'd understand or at least here me out . I never should of told him about the mark .

" just get out y/n" he said coldly, he had never spoken to me this way before , let alone anyone before .

" please George" I pleaded trying to get him to even acknowledge I was trying to speak to him , But I know a lost cause when I see one so I turned around and just before I left I slipped off the bracelet he had given me for our anniversary a couple months prior.

I gently placed it on the drawers near the door and left

Malfoy manor

the memories of mine and George's relationship  were the only thing keeping me from snapping, My thoughts were broken as another curse wracked my already weak body .

I know I should've stayed in my room but I couldn't help it, Herminoe was one of my good friends at hogwarts and I couldn't stand watching her being tortured so I tried to stop it  to which I was being punished for , right next to her as my parents just watched not even caring to help me. " pettigrew  throw her in dungeons" Lucius hissed when he was done with me . I had had so many curses thrown at me I could barely even stand.

He gave me harsh shove making me tumble down the deep stairwell making me land on my hands and knees .

    Harry pov;

I was talking to Luna , olivander and grip hook trying to figure out a way out when we heard a thump and then a groan, me and Ron quickly turned too find the source of the noise when we saw someone we hadn't seen in maybe 3 1/2 years. She was a mentor to me and a fierce protector of me and my friends, "y/n" I said as I rushed over to catch her as she tried to stand but failed.

"I thought you were a" Ron started but she cut him off " I was, they don't like it when we start to develop a bloody conscious or try and interfere" she muttered weakly but with the old y/n trying to break through , I knew she wouldn't have became a death eater by choice, she was to kind, to loving. I handed  her over to Ron, I could tell by luna's face she was delighted to see her , she acted as Luna's protector against her slytherin buddies , that's when I got the idea.

Y/n POV ;
I was pretty weak from all the torture so Ron had to help me Stand, I had leaned my head on his shoulder tuning out what was happening around me when dobby appeared, "dobby can you apperate out of here" to Wich dobby agreed,

Ron had handed me to Luna who was now the one to help me stand, I had grabbed onto dobby as he apperated us out of there, at least I was free , but then I soon realised we're I was, an order safe house more specifically a Weasley family safe house,

I was shiting my self I hadn't seen any of them since bellatrix dragged me to set the Weasleys house on fire they were sure to kill me, these thoughts wracked my brain as I saw bill the oldest Weasley running towards us ,

Then nothing black,

George pov;

I was sitting on the couch at the burrow when mum came and sat next to me, she told me something I never expected to hear , she began explaining how y/n, Luna and a couple others were at shell cottage, I never expected to hear y/n's name . She grabbed my hand and told me that me and Fred should go see her, she explained how she was severely tortured and that she may not make it,

I was initially confused but then it hit me , she must've been forced to take the mark and tortured into compliance, I felt terrible for not letting her explain that night I found out ,

Fred came down the stairs and grabbed my shoulder and we soon apperated to go see her .

Shell cottage
( still George POV )

We landed in the living room to Which bill greeted us and began telling us what happened,
How y/n was tortured for helping Hermione and now was incredibly weak and was still out from fainting and she had yet to wake up .
Fleur came down and greeted us and told us it would be ok to see her ,

We both rushed up the stairs into her room , she looked terrible her limp body laid on the bed, her dressed ripped and bruises and scars up and down her arms that's when my eyes landed on her mark, there were scratch marks , burn marks like she had tried everything to get it off ,

We knew she needed us, so we sat on either side of her waiting for her to wake up .


When my eyes fluttered open I saw the last thing I expected, the twins sitting on my bed watching me with a sad look in there eyes Wich were usually lit up with joy ,  " hey you" Fred said calmly with a relief in his eyes . " this is either really good because you've forgiven me and found out what happened or really bad because ur either giving me fake sympathy before killing me or even worse I'm fucked and I'm dying"

I'm mumbled weakly to witch the twins only chuckled, " first one thankfully love" George said finally looking at me like he used to , " I'm going to go check on Ron, I'll come see you later  " Fred said quickly before giving me a quick forehead kiss before leaving me and George alone ,

" i don't even know where to start in how Badly I screwed up." "It's fine George really"  he grabbed my hand a held it in his . " it's not I didn't even give you a chance to explain that night and then you disappeared and I never saw you again"  he said letting a few stray tears fall ,  " I'm fine now I promise i' m safe back with you guys  and I know you guys will protect me , if u don't hate me  of course" George almost looked shocked that I thought they hatted me , " we don't hate you , we know you didn't want that mark,".

"really"  " of course love also I think you want this back" he then pulled my bracelet out of his pocket, " you kept it" " of course I did it gave me hope that I'd get you back in my arms and I'd get you out of that life" he stated  as he did the clasp on the bracelet securing it , " I'm guessing this is your way of asking if we can get back together"

" only if you want to I understand if you don-"

I had cut him off with a kiss

After a few seconds I pulled away resting my forehead on his,

He just did his stupid giggle flowed by that classic smirk of his

A.n ; sorry how this is so long I was bored on a car drive and made it a bit longer , hope you enjoyed this, this book is basically my journal that I right all my smaller ideas in that won't take up a whole book but I still want to share please send in any requests

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