Draco malfoy

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inspo: Draco finds his sister crying in the hallway and tells him how cheating rumours affected her.

Draco usually found frog choir boring until his sister joined, they used to sing together when they were little and they still do occasional duets in private when they want to. It always made him happy to see his sister performing but today he could tell something was wrong.

Her eyes were red and her voice wasn't as usual, it was still beautiful and if you didn't know her you'd think she's fine but Draco knew her. Her breathing was shallow and despite her attempts to hide it some of her notes were shaky.

Towards the end Draco could see his sister falling apart, every time she had a break she went to the side, when she came back for the second last time he could see the tears cascading down her face and when she went to the side he saw professor Flitwick signal to a different girl and nod towards his sister and she ran out of the great hall through the side door wich lead to an empty hallway.

Draco watched as the girl Flitwick gestured to, sing his sisters part and the minute the performance was over and the choir left the stage he got up and Left the hall in search of his sister.

When he found her the sate of her broke his heart, she had her knees to her chest leaning against a wall with her forehead in her left palm wich was resting on her knee, he went to her side and let her hold onto him as he she cried. He would kill whoever made her feel this way.

" what happened y/n?" he questioned when her sobs turned to small sniffles, " Me and Fred are probably over " she stated sadly and Draco grabbed her hand. " you never cry over boy's, what else?"

" his siblings told him i was cheating on him, they saw me hanging out with Daph, i was hugging her because her girlfriend dumped her and ginny ,ron and George saw, after yelling slurs at me they left and after i came back from practice there was smoke in the hall when i got to my dorm the door was open and my room was destroyed. all the clothes that show any type of skin were destroyed so now all i have is my winter stuff and not even most of that, my bed was on fire wich ruined it and most of the stuff on my bed side table and on top of that they carved slut into my bedroom door with something that won't go away. Mum and dad are going to be so mad, i need to replace my stuff but professor Snape said they wont need to pay damage costs, the parent's of whoever is responsible have to do that"

she explained and Draco felt awful for her. Just because she who is bi sexual was hugging her lesbian best friend doesn't mean she was cheating. She didn't deserve the awful things she was called. She didn't deserve to loose someone she loved over stupid rumours and she didn't deserve to have her stuff destroyed.

After he finished consoling his sister he was going to rain hell down upon those stupid Gryffindor's and make his message clear. Don't hurt my sister.

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now