Fun/ dumb shit ive done in my drs

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- called Draco a blonde q tip, unused tampon in public

- dared people to go fight the whomping willow with the twins

- me and Angelina educating girls in younger years about sex Ed, bickering over how to explain things

- back flipped of the gryfindor table for no reason

- started a band with Fred, George, Lee, Angelina me and Katie called sexy six and we play at most parties and events

- me and Angelina dressed up as clowns for Halloween and went around at lunch jump scaring and terrorising everyone

- challenge Fred and George to see who can do the coolest flip into the lake

- blindfolded Fred then pushed him into the black lake, well onto it cause it was winter

- I know Russian and French in my dr so sometimes I yell stuff in Russian and no one knows what I'm saying

- the marauders are alive and I started a prank war during summer and the teams where; Fred and George, James and Sirius, me and Marlene.

- transformed the room of requirement into a arcade

- transformed the room or requirement into laser tag

- transformed the room of requirement into a go kart arena

- dyed the twins hair blue

- split dyed my hair purple and green

- dyed my hair purple

- take Fred who is scared of haunted houses into one

- give the Weasleys an impromptu concert

- do a family calendar with Weasley children

- go in the Weasley pond ( I had water plant gunk in places where there should never be water plant gunk )

- did a cheer tumbling pass in the middle of the great hall for no reason

- left study hall to go get ice cream then return with said ice cream

- ask George to make me food at 4 am

- start a tickle fight with George ( DONT DO IT YOU WILL DIE )

- make friends with the giant squid

- yodel at 3 am for no reason

- glitter and paint bomb snapes office

- let off a glitter bomb off in transfiguration and let the twins take the blame

- ( spicy ) me mo@n in georges ear while Angelina mo@ned in Fred's ( there daiting ) and then us running off

All dumb ⬇️

- giving random gryfindors w€€d brownies by accident At a bake sale gone bad thanks to George

- letting Fred and George watch first years un attended

- pull George's belt buckle then walk off

- pull George's tie then walk off

- touch George's Chest then walk off

- kiss George's neck then walk off

- whisper something in George's ear then walk off

- do any dare given by Harry ( I was dared to jump in the black lake in winter when it wasn't frozen over )

- initiate a prank war with my farther ( James )

- initiate a prank war with Sirius

- UNDERESTIMATE HERMIONE ( she is a secret prank goddess )

- give Fred free access to my dorm ( HE FILLED THE PIPES OF MY DORM WITH FUVKING PUMPKIN JUICE )

- eat a cookie given to me by Fred ( spoiler alert there were dr!gs in it and I was overly happy for the rest of the day )

- challenge Fred to a drinking contest

- challenge George to a pillow fight

- challenge the twins to a pillow fight

- try and reach the twins how to dance because they suck

- leaving George without telling him ( I came back he was in the corner holding my blanket calling for me and I felt really bad )

- try and leave clingy George

- play scrabble with hermione

- play any board game with Fred ( he takes them very seriously and doesn't lose well, lots of board flipping and pouting )

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now