Benjamin Wadsworth

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Y/n met Benjamin when she was a guest-starring on girl meets world and then again years later guess staring in deadly class.

She was a singer who was friends with the producer of the show who was having a hand directing her music video and when she was on set she got the news that her boyfriend who was starting in the music video with her had cheated on her and was bow breaking up with her to him with his side chick.

She wasn't sad that he cheated because if he was worth crying over he wouldn't have cheated. She was sad however that her video shoot was in three days and she had no partner. She needed a partner and she needed the video done so it could get to the editors and ready for its release.

It would be difficult to find a partner that could do what she needed and learn the choreography all in three days. She went to the producer the minute she found out and it just so happened he was talking to Benjamin at the time.

While ranting and on the verge of a nervous breakdown the cast member who both had forgotten was in the room tuned in, " I'll do it" he said smiling warmly at his castmate.

" ben you do realise you'll have to learn the whole choreo in three days right?" she questioned and he laughed.

"you're really playing into your dance mom's roots, aren't you. If it means I can help you'll do whatever I have to" he chuckled and then began laughing at her face.

The next day was a break on filming for both of them so they went to her choreography studio to start working on it.

To her and everyones surprise they didn't have to water it down. Not the lifts not anything. That didn't stop them from both collapsing at the end of the day though.

The next day was a dress rehearsal in the out fots which were just a white flowy dress for y/n and black cargo pants with a white dress short for ben. That day they tried doing the section in the rain machine and that was the only time ben dropped y/n when they were both soaked through and slippery. Though he made sure she didn't injure herself when she fell and that he caught her been though he sacrificed himself and he was the one that fell.

" oh my God are you ok!" y/n questioned when she failed to try to stop him from falling as he had just done her. " if I have to fall to stop you from falling then I'll gladly fall" he laughed back accepting her extended hand and she was happy the next day to see he wasn't Injured and that he didn't even have a bruise.

The day of filiming went of without a hitch and they all had to redo shots because of wrong angels and lighting or a slight mistake usually to do with timing but by lunch break the two were perfectly in sync.

While ben was given time to eat y/n was filming the scenes that were just her and once been had scoffed his food he snuck back in to watch her. He had heard her sing back on girl meets works but he knee she had gotten better just by hearing her.

After break they filmed the last section of the video which were the parts in the rain machine and they went off without a hitch. Been didn't drop her and y/n looked beautiful. They had to do a quick adjustment to y/ns costume as this rain machine was a lot more string then the practice one and they didn't guess just how see through her dress would become.

However, once they fixed it they did the section flawlesslyly and the day was finished. Both if them however oaid the price the becy day on set if deadly class where they could barely move.

Once they got a release date the fans went crazy with the promo pictures of the two of them together. There were 3 I of them dancing, 1 taken during in if the lifts and the third them soaking wet sitting on the floor eating cookies.

It was great press for both of there careers and deadly class this view went up 15% once they realised y/n was guest starting thanks to a sneaky behind the scenes picture ben posted of y/n asleep and y/n a week later returning the favor.

Hp one shots ( sweet) ( stuff from my dr too!)Where stories live. Discover now