Chapter I: The Best

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December 12th, 1892 A.D. Shippendale.

The snowflakes liked to hide the cold-looking sun, the winter depression has started. Sparkling snow blanketed the land, and the residents of Shippendale closed their windows and cuddling up by the fire. But, the soldiers were still hard at work in the ongoing war against the Erie Confederation, otherwise known as Trance City and Sightburgh, two cities who allied against Shippendale. Bodies of fallen soldiers littered the fields in between the three cities, some shot down and others decapitated by cannonballs and land mines. As for Team Karma, they haven't seen the haunting sight yet, they were waiting until Commander Augustine gave them the order to go into war with the others.
Ronnie was thankful she wasn't sent into war yet. She knew she still needed to prepare, both physically and mentally. Rueben was excited to enter the fields, which Ronnie didn't really understand. Why would he be so excited, doesn't he know that not many soldiers are going to survive this war? And even if he was one of the ones who survived, one of his friends might die. Ronnie found it crazy, but she knew everyone had their own thoughts and opinions. Faux wasn't going into war, but he is more of a last resort since he is so powerful. Faux was still nervous, and it was quite evident. He was weakened back when he first became a soldier, and now it's easier to kill him. Ronnie has been training Team Karma for battle, since Captain Karma has been gone. Ronnie hasn't seen him since the day Augustine became commander. She doesn't know where he went and why he chose to disappear. She guessed it was to prepare himself for battle, just like she was doing.
Kenna, Ronnie's husband, has been bugging her for kids. She denied, telling him that she was too busy for kids. Yes, she wanted kids, but she knew she wouldn't be able to go into war and help her team if she was pregnant. She told him maybe when the war was over, but she even doubted that. She hated for a kid to get in the way of her soldier duties. Ronnie has been living alone ever since the war started since Kenna was one of the first soldiers taken into into battlefields. Kenna had become the captain of his team since Augustine became commander of the Soldier Section. He's been quite busy, so Ronnie hasn't even talked to him for months. Ronnie still dreaded the day, the day she was called into the battlefield.
Ronnie walked through the stables of the horses that were now only used for long distance travel and to carry carriages. She stopped at one of the stables and immediately felt her heart drop. The stable had deep red blood splattered on the door from when Captain Karma had shot his own uncle, who was holding Ronnie and Rueben at gunpoint. She leaned over and picked up a small bullet that was wedged between the dirt and the stable wall. She looked closely at it before putting it in her pocket. She couldn't help but think that she was standing in the same spot a king was shot and killed, his blood still visible. She thought King Rod was on Shippendale's side, and she thought he was someone she could trust, but her trust soon disappeared when she saw the barrel of a shotgun hovering in front of her eyes, Rod's finger on the trigger. She sighed and kept walking, looking at the dry dirt under her.

December 13th, 1892 A.D. The Erie Confederation's Camp.

EC (Erie Confederation) was keeping something secret from Shippendale, their very own Lurker Shifter. Darko Smirnoff was the lucky one who was chosen to be EC's Lurker Shifter. He's been training for the war, and he believes he is ready. He sat in one of the tents in the EC Camp with his sister, Zora Smirnoff. He looked over to her with painful-looking eyes, he knew she was one of the chosen suicide bombers. Her troop was to leave in three days, and Darko was not looking forward for the day to come.
"I'm not ready for you to leave yet," Darko told his sister painfully.
"I wish I didn't have to leave," sighed Zora. Someone shyly walked into the tent, holding a first-aid kit. "About time," said Zora. The kid who walked into the tent kindly smiled at Zora and knelt down in front of Darko.
"Thank you, Jesse," said Darko. The kid, Jesse, nodded his head in pleasure.
"Just doing my job," said Jesse.
"You do it well," Zora commented.
"Thanks," smiled Jesse.
"How's your brother doing," Darko asked Jesse.
"He's off of the field until Monday," Jesse said as he repaired a cut on Darko's knee.
"Oh that's great," Darko replied. There was a brisk moment of silence among the three.
"I can't believe Shippendale hasn't sent in their strongest troops yet," said Jesse.
"Yeah, usually they would be sent in by now," Zora replied.
"They're probably waiting for the perfect time," said Darko.
"Probably," sighed Jesse as he finished up repairing Darko's knee. Jesse stood up and looked down to Darko. "Your all good," Jesse smiled.
"Thanks," Darko replied. "Do you know where your brother's tent is?"
"Yeah, I do," Jesse nodded.
"Mind taking me to him?"
"No problem."
Jesse led them out of their tent and down the rows of tents. They came across one tent which Jesse went into, followed by Darko and Zora. They saw that nobody was in the tent, which made them a little confused.
"I swear he was just here," Jesse said. Suddenly, Darko felt something press up against the back of his head. He immediately recognized that he was being held at gunpoint, the barrel of the gun against his head.
"Who are you," said a voice from behind.
"Dazai! It's just me, Darko, and Zora," Jesse said. Darko felt the gun drop, and he was let free. Darko turned around to be faced with a man who had dark brown hair and even darker brown eyes. This man was Dazai, Jesse's older brother.
"What're you doing in here," said Dazai.
"I just wanted to discuss Shippendale's in-coming troops," said Darko.
"Yeah? What about em'?"
"What's the plan for when they are sent in?"
"There is no plan. With your power, they're dead before I can even think of a plan," Dazai said.
"What about Faux Carmin? Isn't he a threat," asked Darko.
"You can kill him in the matter of seconds, he's already weakened," replied Dazai.
"Alright, but what if he ends up being stronger than we think?"
"Trust me, he's not."
"If you say so," Darko said in uncertainty. Zora put her hand on Darko's shoulder and looked at him with sparkling eyes.
"You're stronger than a Lurker with only one eye," she told him. Darko said no more. He had confidence, but what if his confidence wasn't enough? He might've been overthinking, but he knew that overthinking just might be able to save his life in the end.
Dazai walked out of the tent with Darko on his tail. Zora and Jesse stayed behind. Dazai was a fast walker, which made Darko struggle to keep up. Darko was surprised on how much Dazai was dedicated, he was the most serious soldier he knew. Dazai would glance back at Darko and give him a strange glare, Darko guessed to make sure he didn't leave him behind. They approached a group of soldiers which Darko didn't recognize. As soon as they spotted Dazai, they stood up straight and saluted. Darko stood next to Dazai in confusion. Why were they saluting to him?
"Who are these people, Dazai?" Darko asked Dazai.
"They're my soldiers," replied Dazai.
"I didn't know you were a captain," gasped Darko.
"They made me one at the beginning of the war, and they gave me a few wimpy soldiers to work with," Dazai uttered. Darko looked from Dazai to the soldiers, who were still saluting. They didn't look wimpy, but Darko could tell they didn't receive the right amount of training.
"Can you introduce me to them," asked Darko.
"Yeah," Dazai nodded. "Introduce yourself, soldiers," said Dazai.
A young teenage boy walked up to Darko first. He had brown hair and fairly wide blue eyes.
"Hello. My names Ander, but everyone calls me Andy," said the boy. Darko nodded at him and he stepped back with the others. Next, a girl walked up. She had dark hazel eyes which seemed to stare deeply into Darko. He started to feel uncomfortable by her presence.
"Hello," greeted Darko.
"The name's Sid," said the girl.
"Nice to meet you," Darko replied.
"Alright." Sid stepped back with the others. Next, a boy that looked the same age as Andy stepped up. He had blond hair and welcoming amber eyes. He looked friendly, unlike the others.
"Hello," said the boy.
"Hello," replied Darko.
"My name's Etch," said the boy.
"Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." Etch stepped back with the others.
Finally, a teenage boy with black hair and sharp green eyes stepped up to Darko.
"My name's Flinch," he said before stepped back with the others. Darko watched him, a little surprised at how sudden that was.
"Soldiers, this is Captain Darko. He's EC's only Lurker Shifter, and possibly our only hope," said Dazai.
"Really? You're the shifter everyone's been talking about," gasped Etch.
"Yep," Darko nodded in pride.
"When will you be sent into battle," asked Andy.
"I'm not sure," Darko replied.
"When the time fits," said Dazai. "Now go to the courtyard and train," Dazai told his soldiers.
"Yes, sir," they said before walking towards the courtyard.
"They are well behaved, Daz," said Darko.
"Don't get too ahead of yourself," Dazai told Darko.
"Alright then," Darko replied. All of a sudden, a single raindrop fell on Darko's nose.

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