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Quick Note:

This is my first book. If there are any mistakes, please correct me. I accept constructive criticism. I only hope to get better so please do comment if you can. Enough said, enjoy reading 😉 📚



"I heard that Bang Chan's Dad made a donation to the school," a student told as they marched through JYPE High.

Another one nodded their head. "Yeah, I heard that too."

"I wonder if he'll have another welcome party this year." 

"Maybe. We definitely have to go if he does."

"I need to go shopping as soon as possible."

"Going to a senior party sounds so fun—"

"Excuse me?" A deep voice cut them off. They all turned their heads and frowned disapprovingly when a boy stood there, chewing on his bottom lip uneasily. Felix Lee smiled shyly, arranging the glasses that were seconds from falling off his nose. He never liked confrontation, but this time, it was greatly needed.

One of the girls rolled her eyes. "What?" She hissed.

Felix chuckled nervously before quickly before saying, "You're all standing in front of my locker, and I can't get through."

"Can't you see that we're in a conversation?" Another one hissed, turning around and marching off. They all left afterward, but not without sending him dirty glares.

That was what being Felix Lee was like. He had gotten used to the unnecessary scowls, but it wasn't as if he had no friends. He did have friends. Actually, he had two, and they barely counted as a friend since they were his cousins. However, they were near the same age and attended the same school, which meant they considered each other best friends and spent a lot of time together. Even so, the difference between them was the other two had a bunch of friends since they were ridiculously hot.

This also meant that the two of them didn't let anyone mess with their younger cousin, which was quite embarrassing at times. His oldest girl cousin would even put her fists up when a guy would tease him and say, "Wanna take this outside?," while the other would crack his knuckles in a threatening way.

Felix shuddered—they were scary at times.

"Chris! What's up dude?"

Felix's back straightened as his eyes slowly glanced over his shoulder. Bang Chan, who his friends call Chris, had entered the building, and his new locker was near Felix's, which caused the oxygen to leave his body. He attempted to take deep breaths, but his cheeks suddenly became red as he heard Bang Chan's voice greet his friends. It was quite low for his age, but not as low as his own. And he was tall, almost six feet. He had blond hair that was often curly, a lean/slim body and a toned chest, abs, biceps, triceps- basically every muscle Felix had studied and could pinpoint. Even his legs were thick, and those were attributes Felix could not miss.

As Bang Chan walked behind him, he entered the classroom and exhaled. Suddenly, Felix felt a sharp pain on his back as someone slapped it, and he winced. He heard the crackling of his older cousin, who smiled brightly. She was almost his height, but two inches shorter was means to act superior, which she often did. His other older cousin, who was a few steps behind, was only one inch taller than him. Felix was five foot seven, which was tall enough for average height. However, he was as toned and big as Bang Chan, which he did not want to be.

Rosé smirked. "I saw the way you were groping him with your eyes." She teased with her strong aussie accent.

Felix became flustered as he closed his locker. "You don't have to say that out loud."

"Ha! You've had that crush for over a year now, and haven't made a move yet?" Wooyoung said walking up and joining the conversation.

"Because he's probably not gay-"

"You don't know that," she hissed in disapproval.

Felix sharply turned his head to face her. "I do know that since he's smashed every girl on the cheerleading squad."

Wooyoung laughed quietly before adding, "That doesn't mean he's not gay," he nudged him, "Just fucking try it. See what happens." 

"You guys have been saying that for over a year now; I'm not telling him."

"Maybe I should instead." Rosé smirked.

"Just go to class," He narrowed his eyes at her and watched her laugh as she continued skipping down the hall, Wooyoung following, waving to her friends as she passed by them. It was the first day of his senior year, and he was excited to get this year over with since high school had gone on for far too long. However, when he entered the classroom, his eyes spotted Bang Chan sitting in the back, chuckling as he faced a few girls from the cheerleading squad.

Felix felt his heart squeeze nervously. He had never had a class with Bang Chan before since he had always been a year younger. He had completely forgotten Bang Chan was a fifth year, meaning that they were technically in the same grade now; he needed to retake senior classes.

"Are you in the right class?"

Felix returned to the present and faced Professor Min, who narrowed his eyes at him. Felix apologetically smiled and made his way through the aisles before finding a seat. It was the same row as Bang Chan, but he was a few chairs down. Despite that, he could now see him every morning, which had him grinning towards the ceiling. Maybe this year was gonna be different-better yet, maybe they could become friends. Whatever was the case, he was looking forward to what would happen this year.

The bell rang, the door closed, and the teacher began the introductions. Icebreakers were always on the first day, and contrary to what one may believe, he was not lucky enough to be paired up with Chan. The only interaction he did have with him, which caused him to pout, was Bang Chan approaching him with an unbothered stare as he asked, "Do you have a pen I could use."

And he didn't even return it afterward.
When Felix exited the classroom, he crossed his arms angrily and continued his way down the hall to his next class. Though, as he reached the second level about to step into his next class, he heard someone yell, "Hey!"

He turned around, and his heart almost stopped beating when he realized it was Bang Chan marching in his direction, his dark brown eyes staring directly at him. He didn't move but instead waited until Bang Chan approached him. When he stood in front of him, he stopped and handed him the pen. 

By the time Felix could process what happened, Bang Chan had already turned around and muttered, "Thanks."

This was going to be a long year. 



I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. This is only the beginning of what's about to go down. Before I end, I have one question. Should I do smut or no smut? I'm not good at writing it but it might prepare me for the next book I'm planning that'll have some smut scenes. Please let me know. If it'll make you guys uncomfortable then I won't but if you guys are fine with it, I'll do a small scene. That's all. Please leave a comment and vote if you can. I'll see you in the next chapter😊


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