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• Solin & Isma •

A ship descended on to the docking bay at Coruscant

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A ship descended on to the docking bay at Coruscant. This particular ship's arrival had been awaited and rather highly anticipated among a few at the senate. The Republic was going to do their best to convince a vital planet and race of people to join their cause. The people of Statera were mighty elemental beings, gifted with the ability to control the four known elements, air, water, earth, and fire. There were other lesser known elementals but not much was known about them. They were very rare compared to the main four. With the help of the elementals the Republic could stand an even greater advantage on the Separatists. An advantage they had been needing for quite some time.

Anakin Skywalker watched with his padawan Ahsoka Tano as the ship docked and it's passengers began to unload. He approached swiftly to great the people who unloaded. "You must be General Solin," He began as he greeted a young man who looked a little younger then him but older then Ahsoka. He had tan skin and messy brown hair that just touched the tip of his ears and the top of his shirt collar. His emerald green eyes met Anakin's when he called his name and he smiled politely. "Yes that would be me, you must be Anakin." The Jedi nodded. "It's great to finally meet you. This is my sister, Grand Duchess Isma." Solin said as he gestured to a woman who was older then him but seemed to be around the same age as Anakin. Solin held her by one arm and her other arm was extended with a silver walking stick in her hand that she had stretched out, as if she were looking for something. Her skin was pale in contrast to Solin's and her hair was jet black. Her eyes were the most striking feature about her. They were pale green and stuck out amongst her dark hair and pale skin but those same vibrant eyes seemed to be glossed over and her gaze wasn't focused. Isma was completely blind since birth which gave reason not only for her blank stare but also for the reason Solin had to come with her on this trip. She would be lost without him.

"Ahsoka and I will show you around and take you to your room, Solin." Anakin addressed the general before looking at Isma even though she couldn't see him. "A good friend of mine, Captain Rex, will escort you to Senator Amidala who will do the same for you, Grand Duchess." Isma only nodded in response. The two Jedi led the visitors inside of the Senate building. Per usual, The senate was buzzing with activity. Senators were busy discussing bills with other senators and seeking the approval of other senators. Such a sight or idea was strange to Solin and Isma. Their home did not have a senate nor a senator to represent them, They were ruled by a king. And their king was their older brother, Poseidon. And since there king was so busy with home affairs his younger siblings were tasked with representing their people to beg for their neutrality in the war to remain. "I'm afraid this is where we will part ways." Anakin said, stopping not long after they entered the building. "This is Captain Rex." Anakin added as he gestured to a man in Clone Trooper armor, save for the fact that his helmet was removed and he held it at his side. He Smiled warmly at Solin as he shook his hand. "It's an honor to meet you and serve both you and the Grand Duchess, sir." He said and Solin nodded, smiling as well. "Thank you. We certainly appreciate it." This was where the siblings had to part ways. Isma unhooked arms with her brother and instead hooked arms with Rex so she wouldn't be lost. Even with her silver guiding stick, she still needed assistance. The siblings gave their farewells to each other and their small group was split in to two.

 The siblings gave their farewells to each other and their small group was split in to two

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