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• The Senate •

"I know what you are

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"I know what you are." Count Dooku said, an evil grin on his face. "And I know what you are capable of. I've been watching you, Grand Duchess." Isma crossed her arms as she listened. "And?" She hissed. "I'm not impressed." Dooku chuckled at her temper. "You don't have to hide it from me." He countered. "I know what you are." Isma's eyes widened. She didn't have to see him to know he was smirking wickedly at her. He knew, how could he know? She had kept what he was inferring about a secret from everyone, even Solin and the rest of her family. "You're an elemental. The most powerful kind, an elemental of energy, dark energy to be specific." Her hands balled into fists. "What do you know?" Dooku chuckled. "About elementals? I know more then you think. I've studied your kind as a request of my master as soon as he heard about you. We can offer you something that no one else can, not here at least." "And that is?" There was a dramatic pause as Isma waited for the next words of Dooku. "Justice. Everyone thinks you're so weak. They treat you like a delicate flower that could perish at any given moment. But you and I know the truth. You are powerful, stronger then all of them. If you chose to join me, I can assist you in leveling the playing field. I can teach you to render Jedi, clones, and elementals alike powerless." Isma thought about his offer. "I won't do it." She hissed. "I will not betray these people. They have done nothing to me. You are a fool to come here to me. I will not help you." "I'll give you time to think about your answer. I Believe it might change soon." Isma grew tired of listening to him and his mysterious reasoning. "Guards! Guards help! Help!" Isma cried as she stood up and dropped to the ground. Dooku saw this and his eyes widened. He instantly ended his transmission and vanished.

Captain Rex and a few other men were quick to come to the Grand Duchess' aid. They rushed into her room and saw her on the floor. "Grand Duchess," Rex said as he immediately went over to her and bent down to her, pulling her close to him. The woman was shaking. "What happened? Are you alright?" He asked, Isma shuddered before she finally began to speak. "I-I thought I heard voices and I was so scared... I fell while I tried to get help." Rex helped the woman up, handing her the silver walking stick that seemed to have fallen out of her grasp when she "fell". "It's alright, Grand Duchess." Rex told her. "I want a complete sweep of the area, see if you can find anyone who might have tried to hurt the Grand Duchess." He ordered his men.  "Yes sir." The men chorused before running off. "You're alright, Isma. I'm here." He tried soothing her. Funnily enough, Isma didn't need his soothing. She needed time to think. She needed time to sort out all her options. "Grand Duchess," one of the men said as he came back to her room. "Did you find something?" Rex demanded. "No sir, it's time for the Grand Duchess' senate hearing." He told them. Rex looked at the woman who gave him a soft smile. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Plus this is what I came here for." "I will escort you to the senate, personally. It's the least I can do." Isma continued her soft smile at him. "Thank you, captain."

"The senate will now listen to the case of Grand Duchess Isma of Statera concerning that of the use of elementals in the war and her home world's neutrality in the war as well." Chancellor Palpatine announced, beginning the hearing of the Grand Duchess. "Senators of the republic," Isma began as she stood before all the other senators, her once meek voice now held a certain gravity to it. She sounded much more confident then ever before. "I have come before you to plea for the lives of my people, the elementals. I beg for you not to use them in your war, nor involve the world of statera in the same war. You have your own soldiers and your Jedi, there is nothing more that we can do to help you." The senator looked at her as she spoke and discussed their opinions on her words quietly when she finished speaking. "My lady, Gand Duchess Isma," a senator spoke up. "But are you, yourself an elemental?" He asked and Isma sighed, she feared this might happen. "No, I am not, but seeing as how my brother is one I have first hand experience-" "if the grand duchess is not an elemental how can she be expected to speak for them?" Another elemental spoke out. "She said her brother was one, didn't he escort her to Coruscant?" "Let him speak for his people! It's only fair that way!" "Silence!" The chancellor addressed the senate. "This hearing will be null and void seeing as how the grand duchess is unqualified to speak for a people who's powers she does not possess." "Supreme chancellor," Isma began, trying her best to reason with the senate before they pushed her aside and ran to her brother. "They are still my people! You cannot judge me on what I am capable of when you yourself are not one of my people and you are biased by the war that you fight in. How is this fair?" "Fairness will come, my lady." The chancellor assured her. "This meeting is dismissed."


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