Part 1

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Thankyou vanessa_16153 for the new cover :) I hope you guys like it.

Okay class now I'm going to assign your partners for your Literature project due next week. " our teacher said a whole lot of names. I didn't pay attention until I heard mine.

"Mia and Greg," I looked at the brown haired boy across the room looking up from his video camera and looked to me. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Goodluck working with the geek," my friend snickered behind me. I shot her a glare, "watch your mouth there Blaire," she immediately bit her lip amd continued texting.

I was the cheercaptain, the most popular girl in our school. But I am not a bitch, far from it, well most of the time. I'm not like your typical cheerleader when they have all beauty no brains and manners. No, I maintain my above average grade and I hate bitches. I make it a point that my team are the same. As much as an angel I am, I tend to be terrifying when you face my wrath.

That guy named Greg, yeah he's a geek. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't look like the other geeks where he's short, has braces and glasses like a nerd. No, he's tall a bit lean, or has a bit of muscles. But he's clothes hid it all, he always wear long sleaves or sweaters and a bonnet and stuffs. He's also a movie geek, he always carried his camera were ever he goes. He's also cute, but I'll never let anyone know that. He's my neighbor. We used to play by the park at the end of our street but never really goes beyond that. We do aknowledge each other when we bump into each other at school but just a simple smile and nod.

The bell rang signifies the end of class. I waved off my friend that she could just meet me in the cafeteria since I have to go talk to Greg.

"Hey Greg," he was startled when he saw my face in his camera. I smiled at him and closed his camera so that his attention is all on me. "So, are you available tonight?" I asked he blinked for a while before muttering a what.

"I was hoping we could meet up after school," I said starting to walk in them cafeteria.

"Umm. Sure?" He said. He is so cute.

"Can we stay at your house? " he smiled and nodded. Oh my god I love those dimples of his.

"Okay so meet me by my car after school okay?" I said and kissed his cheek and walked towards my friends which were looking at us. No surprise there, they always seem to do that whenever I talk to someone unpopular in public.

After school, instead of Greg, I saw my exboyfriend Charlie by my car.

"What are you doing here," I asked storming towards him."

"Hey Babe," he said flinging his arm on my shoulder.

"Don't call me babe. What do you want?" I said annoyingly. I don't need his bullshit right now.

"I was hoping we could go to your place. Just like old times," I made a disgusted face at him until I saw someone behind him.

"Hey Greg! Over here!" I called over him across the parking lot.

He looked around,so I did too, and saw everyone looking at us as I approached him and left Charlie by my car but I just rolled my eyes and turned to him. "Hey. I though we are going to your place," he looked behind me and saw Charlie glaring at him.

"Don't mind him. So, you want to drive it." He nodded slowly before taking the keys off of my hands.

We arrived at his house, which was across from mine. Its been a while since I've came here.

As we enter their house I saw his mother ready to leave. Her eyes widen as she saw me.

"Oh my. Mia Thompson? Is that you? Never thought I'd see you in this household again" she said hugging me.

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