Part 5

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Mia's POV

I didn't go out the whole weekend. I saw on Facebook and twitter that everyone sympathized with me. Although I did get a few nasty comments about the queen bee falling down.

"Who would've thought a geek will be the fall of the queen," one said.

By the time Monday came I wasnt in the mood to go. I would get either a smug look from those who hate me or pity. And I can't handle both. I decided to skip school. I drove off and came back home by the time my parents left for work.

I stayed at home watching a movies all day long by lunch time the doorbell rang. I looked through the window and saw a car on the drive way. I opened the door and it revealed Jasmine with his boyfriend Stan.

"What are you doing here?" I asked crossing my arms. She pushed passed me and Stan followed. "What the hell!" I said slamming the door and following then going to the living room.

She eyed the room and looked around.
"What are you doing here?" I asked but Jasmine continued looking around so I turned to Stan and slapped his shoulder.

"We wanted to know if you're okay." Stan started and Jasmine continued. " obviously you're not. I expected better than this. "

"Oh come on. With me gone and Blaire being one of the most hated person in school right now. With a few tricks you can be the next head cheerleader " I said sitting down on the couch. Jasmine sat next to me and stan followed. Seriously he's like a puppy.

"Do you seriously think of me that way. We may be not as close but I still treat you as a friend." She said sincerely. "You're the queen. You shouldn't let a social climber like Blaire put you down. "

"She's right. and don't worry. She was put in her place. She's thrown over to the losers table and I think they were just scared of her that's why they let her seat. "Stan said

"Coach kicked her out of the team saying that she is not a team player and everything. " jasmine said and sighed before she continued. "We're here for you Mia." She said and i nodded. They stayed for a while before they left.

I am now in my bedroom starring at the ceiling. I shouldn't let just anyone bring me down. I sighed and looked across the street.

But can I really face him. Face them. I still haven't made my decision bout everything. I know they said they are going to wait for me but I hate the feeling of someone waiting for me. It gives me more pressure.

I texted the one person that my really help me.
'Are you busy'
After a few minutes I heard my phone beep.

'Just got off from work. What's up?'
'Can you call me. ? I need you'

I know. I am a frickin tease.
You'll know who she's textin in a while.
I'll try update sooner.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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