Part 4

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Gregg Sulking for the win for Greg.
He looks so hot in his glasses.
I loved watching him n Wizards of Waverly Place.

Greg's POV

I remain standing there as I watch Mia walk away. I wanted to move. Go after her. But my feet was planted on the floor. Beside me was a crying Blaire. I can feel everyones eyes on us, glaring and whispering what just happened moments ago. But I don't care, I was just staring at the direction the love of my life run away to probably leaving me forever the mistake I just made. The kiss that I let myself got lost to.

The boys from the football team and a few cheerleaders came rushing in from the direction Mia came from, fuming. They marched towards. The girls pulled Blaire away while the boys circled around me. I expected everything that happened.

One of them punched me. They all spat at me. They told me how I was a big headed jerk that didn't deserve Mia. They would never accept me as one of the populars but they saw Mia was happy with me so they followed her wishes.

But they said they were happy. Now Charlie has a chance of being with her. He ran after her. That's when it hit me that I should do something, at least move and say sorry to the girl and if she wants me back I'll forever make it up to her. But if she doesn't then I'll just hope to God that she will find another man that will be a better man that I am.

I ran off the scene leaving the angry jocks. But I couldn't care less. I drove to her house and waited for her to come home.

I waited 2 hours in front of her house. When she came home, I wanted to be angry at her for being with Charlie. But I know I have no right to. I push her away from me.

When she saw me, I saw pain in her eyes. I wanted to kill myself for being the cause of that. she talked to Charlie for a while. I know for sure I was a goner by then, but they walked towards me and I held my ground waiting for the final blow. The final say in our tainted relationship.

Mia's POV

My eyes widen the second I felt his lips against mine. He moved his lips and I responded. He is still a great kisser, it felt like Junior year when he was my first at everything. But nothing felt the same. My heart and mind still belongs to the geek that broke my heart.

I pulled away and he looked at me studying my reaction then he shook his head.

"I guess I really lost you now huh?" He said.

"I'm so sorry. After everything has happened i don't wanna rush into any decision anymore." I said looking down

He let out a sigh before continuing, " I'll just be here until you make up your mind. Come on. there is one thing that will make you cheer up before you face him again. How about some ice cream."

We drove at my favorite ice cream parlour and ate for a while. It felt good, sweets always get me happy. Even to just forget as moments for a while.

When we arrived at my house I saw Greg's car on the driveway. He was sitting on the stairs of our porch. We got out and saw he was angry at Charlie but soon changed when he looked into me. He was looking at me with his brown eyes I've always loved. I looked away quickly snapping myself.

"What do you want me to do," Charlie asked looking stern.
"I think its better if we talk, don't you?" I said and He nodded, " just let me have a few words to him and then I'll leave." He said and I nodded then walked towards him.

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