Part 3

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Weeks had passed since Greg and I started dating and I can't be any happier. My friends accepted him after introducing him the day after his makeover. Some guys were a bit rude and tried embarrassing him a bit especially Charlie but it was quickly taken care of.

Now we are like the power couple, after his make over people start to like him and don't bully him anymore. A lot of girls get jealous especially my friends saying they should've noticed him before when he was still a geek.

I just brush their comment because quite frankly I don't care. All I know is I have the best boyfriend in the world. Gone was his insecurities. He has gone from bullied geek to a heartthrob. Some of his personalities might change since he's been hanging around the jocks but in my bedroom he is still my geek sex god.

I was now on my way to his locker since the last bell has rung when one of my teammates called. She asked about cheer practice and I told her it was cancelled until next week and began walking again.

I stopped in the middle of the hallway when I saw Blaire talking to Greg. She began walking towards Greg probably flirting with him and I smirked when Greg pulled away. Blaire can be a slut, I sometimes wonder how I can be friends with her. She will never have my man.

She began walking closer to him and I was shocked when she pressed her lips with his. I waited for him to pull away from her but he didn't. He put his hand on he back of her head and started kissing back and the slut decided to wrap her arms around his neck.

That's when I decided to walk towards the cheaters. My feet stomp as I come closer to them and Blaire pulled away with a lingering kiss looking directly in his eyes.

"Wow. Isn't this convent? Finding my boyfriend and friend together in front of his locker where we always meet after class. Nice," I said sounding calm but my voice filled with venom.

They were startled and jumped away from each other both adjusting their clothes a bit. I made my way to Blaire and saw her eyes wide looking innocent but you can see she was quite happy that I caught them. "You little skank. I know you were such a slut but I didn't know that you would go for your only friend's man. I hope stealing him was worth it because you are off the team and I'll be sure to tell everyone at the group " I said looking down at her.

"You can't do that I earned my spot in the cheer team fair and square." She argued but I smiled mischievously at her,. "that you did. But I'll tell coach that its either you or me. We'll see who she'll pick." I said and her eyes start to water but I couln't careless.

"Baby, I swear she came at me, I tried to-" Greg said making me notice that he is till with us but I cut him off with a big slap on his face.

"I saw everything Greg. From her coming at you, you pulling away. Then she kissed you, you kissing back and putting your hands at the back of her neck. EVERYTHING!" I said yelling the last part as hard as I can.I can feel tears in my eyes but I blinked them away.

"Where was the Greg a few weeks ago, where is my geek I fell in love with. You're worse than Charlie. At least he never cheated on me. Have fun with the slut. You two deserve each other. " that was the last word I said to them before I ran off. I can't take it anymore and my tears are going to pour out. I walked out of school and saw everyone looking at me.

Word travels fast and they probably heard my outburst a minute ago. I saw my teammates and some of the jocks looking at me with pity. My eyes found Charlie and he looked angry and pitiful but I shook my head at that though.

I remembered that I rode here with Greg every since his dad bought him a new car so I can't drive away from here. I ran again, out the court yard. I don't care what they think of me. I never did, all I cared about was the guy I fell in love with, fought for, cheated on me with my friend. I may be crying but I have every right to be.

I stopped running when I was far enough from the school and sat down on the sidewalk. There is where I broke, I cried hard.

I heard a honk and saw a yellow truck and Charlie got out. He stare at him as he sat down beside me.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I glared at him making him chuckle a bit and shake his head. "Okay wrong question. How about we go to some place else," I looked up at him and saw his genuine smile. I nodded my head and got into his car.

We drove for about an hour until we arrive at the place. I missed this place. It was a cliff, this is where Charlie took me on our first date. It was our special place. We both got out from the car and got on the hood of his truck.

We stayed silent enjoying the view and the breeze.

"We always go here when we fight. This relaxes us. Give us peace. I come here everyday you know. Hoping you'll come back here at our special place and we'll be together again but I guess not. " he paused for a while then continued," do you really love him. "

I nodded.

"We'll he's an idiot for cheating on you. I'll make sure he'll regret it. Don't forget I'll always be here for you Mia. Even just as a friend. " he finished and rubbed my back. I just nodded and stared at the view. Thinking back everything that has happened these past few months.

I don't remember why we broke up in the first place. Maybe I made a wrong choice for ending it.

I looked up at him and saw his face filled with concern and in slow motion he leaned forward pressing his lips against mine.


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