Chapter 3

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Matthew huffed as he pulled his heavy suitcase across the cool tiles of the terminal building. The security check was insane, and he was mad because apparently you aren't allowed to bring a two liter bottle of Canada Dry on the plane.

He peered around carefully and found the number the class was supposed to meet by. Mostly everyone was there already- Vash, Natalia, and... Matt?!

His face got flustered and sweaty again. Why was he here?! Matthew knew he had an intrest in Canada of some sort, but he never guessed he'd go on the trip. He had just arrived yesterday!

Matthew gathered the little courage he had and walked slowly towards the group. Natalia was leaning against the wall silently as Vash and Arthur chatted.

Matthew sat on the far edge of the seats, turned away from Matt.

"E-excuse me Natalia," he quietly said to the tall, blonde girl.


"Do you know where Mr. Steilsson is?"

She shook her head slowly and returned to staring eerily into the distance. Mr. Steilsson was the trip's chaperone, and was supposed to watch over them. He was a very silent yet kind man, and Matthew liked him.

His thoughts were interrupted by a nudge. "C'mon, time to go," Vash said as he gathered his stuff. Their chaperone had arrived.

He took hold of his large bag and started to drag it towards the baggage claim. He heaved as he picked it up and dropped it onto the swift-moving conveyor belt.

Once everyone had dropped of their stuff, they headed towards the jet bridge. You could feel the crisp autumn air seep through the cracks of the unstable walkway.

The plane was small, and only had around fifty seats. Matthew headed for the back, nearest the bathrooms, to avoid walking by strangers awkwardly.

He sat down next to the window and pulled out his phone, turning it off. He looked out and watched two workers load the baggage into the bottom of the aircraft.

All of the sudden, Matthew heard a grunt and felt the seats move a bit. He looked over and saw Matt sitting down. He could feel his face turning a bright red and swiveled his head back to the window.

'Why is he sitting next to me? What do I say if he talks to me?' Thoughts races swiftly through the small blonde's head.

He felt a tap on his shoulder. 'Oh shit.' He turned around to see Matt looking at him. The tall teenager gave a wave. Matthew waved back awkwardly.

"H-hello," he softly said.

"Hey," Matt replied, "What's your name?"

'He wanted my name?! What, why?!'

"I'm Matthew," he said back.


Matthew squeaked and looked back outside. The two airport workers were gone. The "fasten your seatbelt" sign blinked over head.

He did as the blinking alert and the intercom told, and not long after they had lifted off the ground.

Matt didn't talk to Matthew again until about three hours into the five hour flight.

"Matthew?" He asked gruffly, again tapping Mattie's shoulder. Matthew removed his earbuds timidly,"Yes..?"

"Do you like pancakes?"

Matthew stares up at the rugged boy. 'What?' After a few seconds of silence he added, "Yes, how about you?"

Matt nodded and returned to reading his book. Matthew stared at him. 'What kind of question was that?'

He put his earphones back into his ear and eventually fell back asleep. Two hours later he awoke to Matt, five inches away from his face.

"Time to get up," he said and went off into the aisle of the plane. Matthew knew his face must of turned pink, who's wouldn't in a situation like that. He stood up, stretched, and clambered off the plane.

"Glad to see you awake, Mr. Williams," his chaperone said as Matthew stepped out of the the jet bridge. He replied with a tired mumble.

Mr. Steilsson explained the trip again, and what they were doing next. They had a huge bus waiting outside for them, and it had four bedrooms. Two were large and had two beds, and two were smaller with only one. It also had a bathroom with a cramped shower, toilet, and sink, a small dining area, two rows of seats with a TV, and a lot of windows. He took them over to the baggage claim to get their luggage.

Matthew tried to lug his giant suitcase off the belt, but he was too tired. He looked over to see Matt grab it and hoist it over his shoulder.

Matthew blushed. Again. "I'll Carry it," Matt said gruffly.

They all followed Mr. Steilsson outside into the freezing Canadian air. They were located near Niagra falls, which was about 50 miles away. They loaded their things into the bus and their chaperone read off who shared a room with who.

"Vash.. And Arthur." Matthew reacted to that quickly, because that meant it was certain him and his man-crush were sleeping in th same bedroom. "And Matthew and Matt. Natalia and I have our own seperate bedrooms. Go put your stuff away."

Matt instantly heaved his and Matthew's luggage towards the second room. It was decent sized, with two twin sized beds opposite each other and one large closet.

Matthew pulled up the blinds on the window. He stretched and pulled his suitcase near the bed he wanted.

"Thank you for carrying my suitcase," he chirped.

Matt looked at him and did something he hadn't done for a while- smile.


Canadian, Please! (A red velvet pancakes fic)Where stories live. Discover now