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Authors Note: I am yet again listening to kids by Current Joys for this one, so I suggest listening to it.

Adrien's POV:

There's only one place he would be.

The only person who is neither really part of this life nor his.

Mother's statue.

Mari has to go there.

I can't interfere.

"There you are poopy butt face!" 

Of course, Marinette is giggling.

"Plagg where have you been, we talked about using potty language as cuss words it's fucking weir-"

Plagg is hugging him.

He's crying and hugging him?

"I missed you kid."

"It's ok buddy, calm down." He said still unsure what was happening.

"I'm never going anywhere."


Chat Blanc POV:

"Little kitty on the roof, all alone without his lady."

I can hear Marinette walkout where we are, Adrien's probably hiding somewhere. She has the same exact walk in this life. The same walk I memorized so long ago.

I think of her again.

I just want to see her again.


I don't turn around. I don't want to see her.

She comes over and sits next to me, staring at my mother.

"You miss her, huh."

I look at her. God, she looks so much like her. The same slope of her nose, the droop of her eyelashes. 

"I miss a lot of people."

Marinette looks back at him and starts crying.

"I- I'm so- sorry." She says with so much sorrow, looking deep into his eyes. She sees all of him.

"I wish I could bring her back too, I wish I would be a little bit more like her, the girl you love,"

What is she saying? What is she trying to say? This isn't helping.

She sighs with determination before continuing "I think the reason I was so scared of you, so traumatized, was because I never wanted to see you like this. I never wanted this future for you."

I'm starting to cry. I feel like M'Lady is talking to me and I can't stop crying.

"I wanted to grow old together, and have three kids and two hamsters, and visit your mothers staute, and hang out with Alya and Nino, I wanted it so bad."

She's crying so hard. She really means what she's saying?

"I had to deakumatize you because I couldn't let this be your future. I couldn't let you live in a world without me. I didn't want to leave you alone."

She's holding my hands. Why am I letting this happen, why am I crying?

"We were supposed to grow old together because you're my sunshine. When I look at you Chat, all I see is love. All I see is Chat Noir.

So if you want to cataclysm me that's fine.

But don't say that I never loved you.

You were my sunshine." She says fully racking with sobs.

I- I don't know what to do.

Have I been so selfish? She can see so much in me. I'm not letting myself see M'Lady in her.

I hug her. A huge bear hug mess.

"Oh, Mari. I've missed you."

There's weeping in the corner.


He's walking towards us, sobbing, before he joins in our hug.

Look at us, an unlikely trio.

Brought together by trauma.

In this life, they're my only friends.


"Thank you, Marinette."

"Anytime kitty."

I sit and let flashbacks of my life with Marinette cloud my brain.

I hope she's somewhere happy.

I'm glad in this life she's ok.

I'm glad in this life she can still see me.

The boy that wanted to grow old.

I hug her harder

"You came back to me."

Authors Note: It's really funny to me that I don't know how to write anything that isn't horrifyingly depressing.

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