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The Caelian Palace: The Inner Court: The Second Wife's Chambers.

Nafisa is seated on her bed in her boudoir as a maid files her nails. Her niece Sadiya is on the couch watching her closely.
"Do you have have something to say? You've been staring?" She asks her niece.

"You look awfully calm about the whole situation"
"Which whole situation?" She asks turning to look at her.
"The Emperor still hasn't chosen an heir, you said I'd—"
"—I'll make sure you're queen" she finishes the sentence.

"So? You've been quiet"
"I decided to give up on that"

She stands abruptly "Why?! This is the chance for OUR family to have their place on the throne"
She shakes her head "They'd never allow my niece become Queen, they'd rather all hell break loose and I've come to terms with that fact"

She huffs sitting next to Nafisa "So? That's it?"
She smiles "No, I've thought of something else, something better and more deserving than the burden of being Queen"

She stares at her expectantly "And what's that?"
She smiles "Hafiz Abdulateef"


Masoud was sleeping on his bed.
He's been on the archery range throughout the day before and he was so exhausted.
His bedroom door opens and his brother Mohammed walks in with a bottle of cold water.

His father told him to stay away from his brother so as not to distract him from his duty, especially because he made up his mind about just staying a week in Ulan Bator.

Watching him sleep made him so angry. The fact that his younger brother, who isn't even half as strong as he is ends up with the Genus Rosa, it frustrated him badly.

He opens the bottles as a smile crept on his face.
He starts pouring it.
Masoud jerks up choking.
"What the hell?!" He says when he sees his brother staring down at him with a creepy smile.

"Tell me why you're going back so soon" Mohammed demands.
"And why do I need to do that?"
He throws the bottle grabbing him by the collar "You seem different, I can see you mocking me with your eyes"

If looks could kill, Masoud knows he'd be long gone.
He removes his hand and pushes him, making him land flat on his ass. He stared up at him angrily "How dare you?!"

"I didn't go just to eat and look good. I train so before you think of laying a finger on me think twice".
He gets up abruptly and punches him in the face. "Threaten me again and you won't leave to see another day" he walks out angrily.

He sits staring at his open bedroom door.


Raudah couldn't get her mind off the explained version of their next book. She knew it would help her greatly and she sure as hell wasn't going to let Najib beat her again.

Her father walks in, staring at her.
"What's bothering you?" He asks worriedly.

She raises her head and looks at him "We both know what it is or better yet who it is"
"I know you hate your mother and I understand but she's doing it for you because she wants the best for her child"

She nods "I can't understand her but I can see why she'd do something like that so I don't hate her but I do hate you"

He stares at her perplexed "And why is that?"
"Because you never say anything, when she slaps me, hits me, locks me up or even insults me you never say anything and you never complain"

She sighs and stands "I need to go talk to her about something urgent, I'm leaving for the capital tomorrow" she walks out.


General Abdulateef is someone everyone in the nation looks up to and respects. It's been over a century since his ancestor became General and since then it has been passed down by their family.

He's also the Emperor's most trusted soldier and friend.
He sat down by his desk in his home office going through some files.
His wife Zahra walks in with a cup of coffee and keeps it on his desk.

"If you plan to make an all-nighter then you're going to need this"
"Hmm" was all he says completely engrossed in what he's doing.

"Hafiz will be back any minute, I'll send him to see you when he eats"
He raises his head and smiles at her "You know he'll insist on meeting with me first" she looks away smiling "So you're indirectly telling me to send him away to eat first before we talk"

She walks behind him and places her hand on his shoulders "You know how long your conversations last and it's already getting late. He's only going to be home for two days and I want him to rest and eat well while he still can"

Abdulateef smiles "Don't you worry, I'll force him"
"Okay, goodnight" she waves off yawning as she walks out.

After over thirty minutes his office door opens.
Hafiz walks in.
"Still busy?"

"Your mother told you?"
He nods "She did"

He and his father talked so formally with each other, almost like he's just one of his mere soldiers, now he's gotten so used to it he just doesn't care anymore, it even irks him anytime his father shows compassion for him.

"She wants you to eat first before we talk but we don't need to tonight, we can talk after subh prayer tomorrow"

He nods.
"When are you going back to the capital?"
"All the Vassals will be going back tomorrow and Awwal asked for me there"

"Why?" He asks raising his head "Weren't you there just a few weeks back because he wanted to test them, what now?"
"The Emperor asked for me"

The General's main home is in a village called Vanil in the capital. He's always preferred living somewhere away from people but it's also security tight.
"The Emperor specifically?"
He nods "Yes"

"He asked to see me too. I just hope it's nothing serious" he huffs "Go eat before your mother wakes up mad at me"

"Okay" he walks out.

Abdulateef sat there staring at the door. He raised his child just the way he wanted when he first had him but now that he's older and has seen what the world is about he regrets it.

He couldn't change it because every time he tried to show the boy love or care he gets alarmed.


Well, all of you have read this far.
Things are about to change really soon and the capital won't be their safe haven anymore.

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