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Third Person POV.

Alhaji Hammad smirks looking at her.
Queen Mina adjusts in her seat uncomfortably.

"I am quite honored to receive an invitation from the Queen but why does it have to be all the way here, in Ulan Bator".

She smiles awkwardly "I apologize for making you fly out here on short notice"
"Like I said, it's an honor"

She takes a deep breath "I know you're quite aware of everything happening in the palace and the Emperor's condition as well"

He smiles "Yes, we have a duty to our kingdom"
"And it is truly appreciated but I need your help"

He sits up and sips a glass is water "Help? It must be something urgent then"

She nods "There are people who know about the Emperor's condition and they want to oust me, he's on life support and as you know based on our customs a new Emperor should be named and he buried to rest"

He nods "Yes, you want to be protected?"
"No, I want you to make sure Munir gets the throne, there's no one else worthy enough".

He just stares at her.
She continues "You and I both know Amjad is not in the least interested in the throne"

He nods "Munir?"
"I think you already know him" she smirks.
He couldn't help but laugh "Look, you're my sister and before naming anyone Emperor your safety comes first and I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe"

She shakes her head "No, if you do that they'll use it to bring you down, hitting two birds with one stone and I don't need you doing that for me. If they oust me I'll be banished and I'll finally get that vacation I've always wanted, somewhere with a beach so maybe Bali or Maldives, I know they're typical places but I they seem to suit me more, I've always wanted to and I can sleep with no worries"

He frowns "I'm sorry I couldn't do much for you, despite all my power and influence"
She giggles "Tradition made it so"

In tradition when a man marries a woman, her family have no power over her, they can't control her or tell her what to do. It's worse if it's royalty, since she's Queen you're forever going to be her subject and from then on you're just like everyone else unless she wills to keep a mild relationship.

He huffs.


Amjad's POV.

I finally got through to Huda, she says before she tells me everything that she needs to get the phone but the unfortunate part is that it's with Najib's mother in Durban.

I groan "So I have to fly there?" I ask, I'm not really a fan of flying.

"Well I have to go with you"
I shake my head immediately "We don't know how it might go, I can't risk you coming along"

She huffs "Well, his mother knows me and I'm the one who can get it for you"

I huff "I can't believe this"
She giggles "Is it the flying that gets you worked up or the fact that you and I have to come to this plain field far from our home to have a proper discussion?"

I chuckle "We can never be sure"
She nods "Why don't we have a road trip instead, I kinda like it and you prefer it so let's do it"

I look at her unsure.
"Come on, that way people might not find out our destination until we get there. But if we were to get a jet ready and fueled up then who knows who'd find out"

She made a point, no doubt I like road trips but an 11hour road trip was not part of the plan, at all.

"Fine, get your things ready. We'll leave by 6am"
She gasps "That's too early"
"I don't intend on sleeping on the road, we're not sure who will find out or who already knows about our trip and the reason for it so the last thing we need is to be driving when it's dark"

She nods.


Maybe we didn't think things through thoroughly.
We're in Ulan Bator but we have no idea where Najib's mother resides.

Both Huda and I are wearing face masks and baseball caps, the last thing we want is to be recognized. People know Huda's face as she is a vassal and well, I'm my father's son.

I huff when I park the car.
"Why didn't we think it through?" I ask annoyed.
"It slipped our mind"

I groan.
"Can I take these things off? The car is tinted so I doubt anyone would recognize me"
He shakes his head "The windshield isn't tinted"

She smiles "Do you think Abba knows where she is?"
I look at her unsure, I guess we'll have to find out.

I immediately call him.

Missing your father already? Or enjoying your trip?

Still have your spies looking after me?

You're my son and I have to make sure you're safe, my daughter in law as well. Don't worry, you don't need to tell me what you're there for.

Okay but I hope you're not thinking of calling off your dogs.

No, I sent them to make sure no one is tailing you or spying and they'll continue their job.

Thank you. Abba do you know where Najib's mother is?

Where are you at the moment?

At the capital.

Which part of Moroni (Ulan Bator's Capital)?

The northern part, near the capital's palace.

She's in our house in west Moroni.

I was confused.
What is Najib's mother doing in our house.

Come on, you and I hardly go there. She'll be there. I have a guest, we'll talk later and I want to know what's going on.

Of course.

I turn to Huda, "We're going to West Moroni"


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