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Being royalty isn't a choice if you're born in it. No one can control it, not even the king or queen.

Raudah just turned 9years, Huda turned 9years 6months prior, Najib turned 11years 3months prior and Masoud turned 11years 5days prior. They're all lucky enough to be vassals and therefore the heirs to their parent's throne.

Arriving at the nation's main capital, situated in the center of the nation is Vier, the capital of the republic.
All in different convoys as they arrive in the Caelian Palace (The Emperor's palace in the capital city of Vier) they all walk down staring at one another.

Normally they don't need to meet the Emperor until they are done with the training but the case is different and they're all confused. All they were told was to behave extra careful, cautiously and act like royalty.

"Welcome children" a man says smiling widely. Standing out from the crowd that had gathered to welcome them. He bows.

The two girls curtsied while the boys bow.
"Please don't bow, I'm just an adviser"

"But you're an elder" Raudah says.
"That's true. Anyway the Emperor is waiting in the throne room, he has been so thrilled to have you here"

The man starts walking as all four children walk behind.
The palace is a lot bigger than the palace they grew up at home, it had a lot more people, security, buildings, gardens, servants, ponds and a lot more cameras than they've ever seen.

Najib's eyes were already dancing with the excitement of how much fun it'd be running around the palace corridors. The other three were intoxicated with the fact that they had to be cautious with every letter that slips out their mouth.

They get to a room with enormous gold doors and a dragon and lion decor.
"Don't raise your head and look at him until you're told to do so" he warns smiling.

They all nod.

The huge doors open and they walk in, slowly. The hall was massive. They could see people gathered, a lot of them. All watching with excitement.

The man gestures for them to stop and they did immediately.
"Children!" A stentorian voice calls out "Come on now, raise your heads"

They all raise it, looking at a short man wearing a crown. They might be young but they knew all too well who he was.
"Thank you" they chorused as they bowed.

He laughs "Very smart and thoughtful at such a young age. All the same age, like it's planned" he jokes as everyone in the hall erupts with laughter making the hall echo.

It was the biggest hall they've ever seen in their lives. Probably able to fill over 10,000 people and was heavily decorated with ornaments, massive frames, huge chairs, an enormous golden throne and other things.

"The Genus Rosa has chosen you at its Vassal and I hope you four will all be here when you're done with your training, I'll be looking forward to it" He ends his sentence with a wave of his hand, a cue for his right hand to take the children away.

"Let's go now" he says to them.
They bow and turn around to leave.

By the time they were back outside, the convoy they had arrived with were gone. Now an SUV was parked.

"Go on in"
The door is opened for them as they move into the car sluggishly.
The right hand enters after them.

He smiles the moment the car starts moving.
"My name is Awwal and I'm the Emperor's right hand or adviser if you'd prefer and the only person he trusts with taking charge of your training. So you can call me Uncle Awwal and if you need anything I'm just a phone call away."

They all nod.


They all sat down in a huge office, Uncle Awwal was having a private conversation with the woman who'd be training them.

"So? You all excited?" Najib asks standing from his seat looking around.
"Nervous" was all Masoud said back to him.

The girls say nothing but stare at him.
"You two must be shy" he laughs sitting back.

The door opens, Uncle Awwal and the woman come in laughing about something.

"Well this is Bella and she'll be teaching you everything you need to know. Behave well and do everything she tells you. But I should also warn you that she doesn't acknowledge the fact that you're royalty or you're all bearing the mark. I'll see you tomorrow when you're all settled in" he walks out.

She turns back to them the moment he closes the door.
"We'll start introductions, so we'll all know each other" she huffs "We'll start from the right"

Raudah stands "My name is Raudah Harun, I'm 9years and I'm the only child of King Harun and Queen Rukiya"

She nods "Okay, next"
Masoud stands "I'm Masoud Nurayn. I am 11years and I'm the second son of King Nurayn and Queen Lima"

Huda stands next "My name is Huda Iman and I am 9years. I'm a twin and the second child of King Iman and Queen Hikima"

Najib stands smiling widely "I'm named Najib Lateef and I'm 11years too. My father is the King Lateef and I'm his fifth child. My mother is Lady Zahrah"

They all turn and look at him.
The fact that his mother is labeled as 'Lady' means she's not a queen. Everyone has heard the story about his father marrying a woman from a tribe that wants to stray from his kingdom just to maintain peace. He never made her queen.

Bella shakes her head "Then your mother should be the Queen, you should know that"
Because he has the mark legally the Queen (his stepmother) is his mother until his father names his mother Queen.

He frowns "And my mother is Queen Amah"
She nods "Better"

She starts walking around "For now both girls will share a room as will the boys and I don't want fights or arguments. You're supposed to grow together"

They nod.
"We have classes every minute of every day.
You have:
The Vier History
Speaking classes.
Etiquette class
Logic classes
Classes for self control
Religion too, I suppose you're all Muslim?
Knitting for the girls and basketball for the boys. We'll be having all these classes every week but you should note that the last 11 in the list take part everyday so go to your rooms and freshen up before dinner. Lights out is by 9pm after a healthy 30min debate session"

They could tell things weren't going to be easy but what could they do anyway.

For now things are all formal and unfinished but hopefully by the next chapter things will start adding up but I'll admit things won't get real soon.

Heir Apparent: A Nigerian Story.Where stories live. Discover now