Sweet Dreams

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One very uncomfortable ride to their friends location and there they were, hiding behind a stray vehicle trying to dodge gun shots.

Mac was taking in all of the objects around him to try and figure a way to get them out of this situation.

Theres some ping-pong balls, coffee filters... Now i just need a lighter.

"theres a lighter in my back pocket" Riley said out loud.

"how did you know i needed that?" Mac asked confused

"didn't you say it?" she asked

"no, but we'll talk about this later. Can you please hand me the lighter" he asked

I'll make holes in the ping-pong while you scrunch up the coffee filters.

She did what he said, or at least what she thought he said.

"you guys might wanna hurry up there, we don't have much amo left" Desi said

They gave each other the 'here go's nothing' look, set them on fire and waited for the distraction to make a run for it.

When they got back to their car Russ, Desi and Bozer looked at them weirdly.

"what?" they said in unison.

"that... You... What just happened?" Russ asked

"what are you talking about" Mac and Riley said in unison again

"THAT, yall are acting weird" Bozer said while pointing a finger at them

"we'll figure out whats going on once we get to the Phoenix, for now can we please just get in the car and go" Riley said

"i second that" Mac said exhausted

Desi was driving with Russ in the passenger seat. Mac and Bozer in the back seat with Riley squished in the middle.

"you to look exhausted, what have yall been doin?" Bozer asked

"not much, just save you three" Mac replied as he slouched in his seat. Riley doing the same

In no time they had fallen asleep, Riley's head on Mac's shoulder and Mac's head on her head. Just like a couple of nights ago.

They were woken up by the car's engine being turned off as Desi parked at the Phoenix.

"were here already?" Mac asked while yawning

He lightly shook Riley to wake her. She opened her eyes and yawned. Both getting out and lazily walking to the elevator.

As soon as they got into the war room for the debrief they collapsed on the couch, not caring how they were practically ontop of eachother. They were two exhausted to care

"what happened to them?" Parker asked

"no clue, first it was the headaches, then it was that telepathy thing they did on the op, then they started saying things at the same time, then they fell asleep in the car and now here we are" Bozer explained

"Parker can you call Doctor Sandra" Matty asked

She did so and within a few minutes she came

"I'll push the debrief to tomorrow, we have to sort out this first" Matty said

Docter Sandra woke them up with Riley mumbling "Yellow knife, Canada" and Mac finishing with " roasting marshmallows" then both of them said "while watching the Arora borialis" with confused looks on their faces

"SEE WHAT I MEAN!?!?" Boser shouted enthusiastically

"its like their reading eachothers minds" Russ said while stroking his chin

"is that even possible?" Desi asked

"lets see, Mac, pick a number from 1 to 1000"

"346" they said in unison

Everyone was astonished. Speechless.

"well, I'd like to keep the both of you here to monitor your brain function and heart rate" Doctor Sandra said

"what do you need to monitor their heart rate?" Russ asked

"i don't know, i just have a gut feeling that its involved." she replied

The team made their way to the infirmary. They took to bunks and placed them together for them to lay on and still be close,making it a double bed.

They fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows.

Docter Sandra brought in a machine that had wires to connect to the patches on the head.

"with this machine we can see what they are dreaming about. Maybe if we can find out what keeps pulling them back into their dream world, we'll figure out how to prevent them from getting exhausted to quickly" she explained

"is that kind of violating them in a way?" Bozer asked

"well, its can be if your looking for the wrong things. But we are strictly looking for things that they feel they can only have in their dream state and not in real life" Doctor Sandra answered

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