Our Secret Desires

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"am i still the only one wondering why they were talking about Yellow Knife Canada and roasting marshmallows and watching the Arora borialis?" Desi asked

"i was asking myself the same thing" Bozer said

"well, lets find out" Docter Sandre said.

Parker helped doctor Sandra put the wire patches on their temples, and shortly after the group was about to see what was happening in their dream.

"it looks like their having conjoined dreams" Russ concluded

They were sitting in a swinging chair on the porch of a cabin most likely in Yellow Knife Canada. They were snuggled up together watching the Arora borialis and they looked at peace.

Why didn't we come here sooner? Mac said to Riley

I don't know, but we're here now. Riley answered.

Everyone was looking a bit taken a back at what they were seeing on the screen.

Riley started to shiver in her dream but Mac moved closer to her in reality to keep her warm.

Suddenly a bomb went off in their dream and both flew wide awake.

"are you guys okay?" Matty asked

It was just a dream. Im still here Mac. And so are you. Riley reassured him as he reached his hand for hers.

"yeah, just got spooked" Mac replied to Matty

"what are you all staring at us for?" he then asked

"if i could have a moment alone with Mac and Riley please" Docter Sandra asked

Everyone filled out and left them alone

"so i figured out why you two seem so eager to go to sleep." she said

"great, so whats the reason?" Riley asked

"well my gut was right, because when you were in you dream state your heart rate was more stable than before you fell asleep. And as soon as you woke up it skyrocketed. Then when you assured eachother that you were ok it went stable again." doctor Sandra explained

" so what does that mean? " Mac asked still confused

" when you dream, its your subconscious bringing your inner desires to your conscious. So tell me why you two want to be in Yello Knife Canada so bad. "she asked

Both Mac and Riley were flushed but it was more noticeable on Mac. Bless his fare skin.

" it's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But you have to come clean with eachother to have both of your sleeping patterns regulated. "with that, docter Sandra left them.

The team then came back into their room.

" well, do you have a cure? "Russ asked

They looked at eachother then looked away.

" yep" they said in unison

"so are you gonna tell us or..." Desi asked

"nope" they said together again

"okay, well you two get some rest we'll catch up with you tomorrow morning" Matty said

"I'll bring some stuff for yall in an hour" Bozer said, knowing how hungry they must be and uncomfortable they must feel in those clothes

"thanks" they said and waved their friends goodbye.

"i got my rig. Die hard?" Riley said as she refused to make anything awkward between them.

Mac muttered a yes and leand forward for a blanket.

With their backs against the wall they sat and watched the movie, quoting Jack's favorite lines.

Bozer came in and brought them some food and a change of clothes.

"Mac, did you ask the security guard for the key to these handcuffs?" Riley asked

"come on Riles, of course i didn't. Do you have a bobby pin?" He asked her

She reached into her messy bun and found one for him.

Because they couldn't be far apart from each other, they decided to change on the bed with the other person holding the blanket up.

When they were done changing Mac handcuffed them back

"oh shit" she said under her breath

"what?" mac asked concerned

"i forgot to take off my bra. You mind unclipping it for me?" she asked embarrassed


She turned away from him and Mac slid his hands under her shirt. The slight touch was burning her skin. She tensed when his fingers unvlipped the back part. It felt so good and bad at the same time. Mac smiled to himself at the reaction he was causing.

Once he unhooked the staps she got it off easily and they slid under the covers.

"good night Mac"

"night Riles"

They closed their eyes but they couldn't quite fall asleep.

I wish i could hold her right now. Mac thought to himself but forgot that Riley can read his mind.

You can Mac, it's okay she replied and moved closer to him.

Her back to his chest and the cuffed arm holding on securely to Riley's waist.

They fell asleep easily,with die hard playing in the background.

Needless to say that it was the best sleep they've had.

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