The Truth

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After their mission they all headed to the war room for their debrief. After the debrief Mac and Riley went back to the infirmary. They saw their two beds apart so they pushed them back together.

They ate and got changed. They were about to watch star wars when Mac asked Riley something.

"hey Riles, can i ask you something?"


"its about that door"

A look of realization washed over her once she figured out what door he was referring to.

"go on" she encouraged

He walked up to her and took her hands, not breaking eye contact.

"when i flatlined, I started having flashbacks of everyone i care for. But they all started and ended with you. I heard you saying 'don't leave me, not like this',and thats what brought me back. I was ready to go see my mom, my dad, Gwen, Charlie, Jack. But in that second I knew i could never leave you. I didn't want to break the promise we made to eachother. What I'm trying to say is that i cant live with out you, dead or alive... my heart always has belonged to you. I love you Riley Davis. " He said it so soft and you could feel the emotion in his voice.

Tears were threatening to fall from her eyes as he stared at her, waiting for her to say something.

He was about to back away thinking that she didn't feel the same but she pulled him closer until their foreheads touched.

"I love you to Mac" she said with her hands cradling his face.

Their lips where millimeters away from each others. He leaned in more and she met him half way. They started slowly, to savor the moment. Her hands went from his cheeks to his hair while he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. Lips gliding against one anothers in the most beautiful and elegant way. They new they were eachothers forevers.

Soon they had to pull apart because, like... air. And they stared into each others eyes. Both with wide smiles on their faces.

Once their lips touched again, it wasn't slow and gentle anymore. Instead it was aggressive and hungry, both wanting more.

How about we try some of those thoughts you had earlier? Riley insisted.

With that he backed her up against the wall. The clothes they had just put on a few minutes ago now nowhere in sight.

That night they were in their own little bubble of love, but most importantly trust. Something nobody can take away from them.


Mac woke up first, seeing Riley's head rested on his chest and his arm holding her waist.

He was convinced that what happened last night was a dream. He was pulled out of his thoughts by Riley kissing his jaw line.


"morning Riles"

"we should probably tidy this place before the others come"

"can we just stay like this for 5 more minutes?"

She snuggle back into his chest, which was all the answer he needed.

Soon they got up to clean. Mac put on his sweat pants and a shirt. Riley put on her pajama shorts and his flannel.

They cleaned mess they made last night and got into the shower together because according to Mac it will save time and water if they did it at once. But they probably took longer showering together that it would have taken if they showerd separately. But none of them were complaining

They got dressed again. Mac wearing jeans and a dress shirt. Riley where a jeans and a tank top.

They ate their breakfast and started wondering why their team hasn't showed up yet.

Once they were done, they cleaned up and went to the lab. Mac was working on a another gadget for Riley and Riley was busy doing security updates on the Phoenix systems.

They were joined by their team an hour after and had no missions for the day.

Mac and Riley were cleared to go home so they drove to Mac's house. They got snuggled up on the couch while watching Rick and Morty.

Not really playing attention to the show. Just thinking about their new beginning together. Having mind conversations on all their new possibilities. And falling asleep in eachothers arms.

This was the start of their lives together.

The end

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