Someday Freedom

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I lean my head against the glass keeping me inside this unforgiving hospital. I pretend I'm actually outside these see-through walls. Oh, what I would do to just be able to be a foot away from all this noise. Even though no one is talking it feels too loud in this hospital. I want to pick up this beautiful rock. It has a golden tint and reminds me of my best friend. He is gold admised bunches of coal. Luckily for the coal people they will soon be turned into diamonds. For now, I look at my metaphorical best friend and long for when I leave this place. It is hard to be kept somewhere for so long (and not be able to leave). I pretend I can reach my rock and show it to my best friend even though I cannot.

Part of me wants to completely leave this place in an unsafe way because I feel so close to the edge. Though, someone once told me that she won't let me jump until I learn how to fly. What form of freedom do I want the most? I think I want the freedom where I get to see my best friend again. I would rather take the stairs than fall without wings.

Here I am, with my cheek against the glass thinking about two different outcomes while there are millions of other choices! "Life is what you make of it." Is what they say. So why can't it be true? If moss can grow in the worst of places so can I, right? I see the moss right in front of me... taunting me. I imagine a village of ants living near the moss and thinking of it as a forest, while I just think of it as a small patch of moss. Those ants are free, so why aren't I? I guess freedom is what you make of it? I should be considered lucky to go outside at all! Even though we don't have basketballs we have these benches. Yet, I still choose the ledge by the window fence, so I can pretend I'm on the outside. Someday... Someday...

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