A Trip At The Beach

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A/N: This is my first imagine i ever wrote so i hope you like it!

Also, this imagine will be divided in multiple parts!

And I also decided to post the first part today because i got too excited lol!

This is gonna be all in Y/Ns pov!

Anyway, enjoy! ❤️💕


I was woken up by a loud ringing. I stuck my arm out from under the blanket that was covering me, trying to find my alarm clock to stop it from ringing.

Pressing the button on the alarm clock, it stopped ringing but just as I was about to go to sleep again, someone burst into my room.

"Wake up, sleepy head, we have to go!" yelled my sister.

Groaning, I rolled of my bed so that I could get ready. Me and my family were going on a trip at the beach for a couple of days. I'm not really a social butterfly, but I had to so that my mom would stop bugging me.

I didn't want to go because we were going with some family friends. Don't get me wrong, I havr no problem of going with them on this trip, but they have a son.

His name is Jungkook. He was the typical bad boy with badass tattoos.

Every time we went on a trip he HAD to be there..

At first I didn't mind him, but then he started being bitchy. He started teasing me, but I wasn't gonna let him tease me without teasing him back.

He used to tease me about my hair (because i dyed it often different colors) or make fun of me for not having any friends and telling me that I'm an introvert but I paid no attention to his comments.

I also didn't pay attention to his comments because I felt like he kinda likes me a bit, but that might be only in my head.

To be honest, I kinda have a crush on him. He was hot, he looked like an angel and sometimes he protected me from those who tried to bully me. He was every girls dream.

Lately I haven't been feeling myself, and that's a reason why I didn't want to go. Lately I have been feeling kinda insecure about my body. I also know Jungkook is gonna start teasing me, and if he says someting about my appearance I might burst.

After I got ready I took my backpack and went downstairs to see my family waiting for me.

"Good morning sweetheart~"

"Morning dad!"

"Morning sweetie!"

"Hey mom!"

After I greeted my parents, I went and sat at the table besides my sister.

"You know, you don't have to be so aggressive and loud.." I said annoyed.

"Well sorry, but you sleep like a hibernating bear and you are always waking up late! Besides I'm really excited for this trip so I don't want us to be late because of you!" said Aly (sister's name) while stuffing a granola bar down her throat.

"Hey! I do wake up in time... But I go back to sleep again" i said the last part in a whisper

As Aly was about to say something again, our dad interrupted her.

"Y/N, go put your bag in the trunk of the car with the other luggages and only jeep in the care with you what you need!"

"Ok dad!"

I took my backpack and went into the garage where the care was. I opened the trunk and put my backpack in but not before taking my phone, a blanket and a waterbottle from the cooler.

As I was about to close the trunk I heard a voice behind me.

"Sup shorty"

I didn't even need to turn around to know it was Jungkook. What the heck is he doing here?

"What the fuck are you dojng here? Weren't you supposed to be with your parents?" i asked while turining around.

"Woah chill baby, aren't you happy to see me?" he asked with confidence.

"Don't call me baby" I said with a annoyed look on my face. Even though when he called me baby I looked angry, i gotta say that J fel butterflies in my stomach.

He chuckled at me, getting closer making me back away from him but the car stopped me while he leaned closer to me. He was just inches away from my face, our lips almost touching.

"Don't pretend you don't like it, baby" he said, emphasizing the word baby

All the blood in my body went to my cheeks because he was so close to me. He starter snickering at me flustered face.

We were staring in each other's eyes, but just as he was about te lean closer (if it was even possible) my mom came in the garage making him back aways. Even though I was kinda disappointed, I didn't show it.

"Jungkook sweetie, I'm glad you came!" my mom said to him. "You can put your bags in the trunk!"

"WHAT!?!?" I yelled. "He's gonna be in the same car with me for hours?!?!"

"Yes, he is gonna be in the same care with US, now can you please come with me Y/N? I need to talk to you"

"Ughh, sure i guess.."

We got inside and left Jungkook alone, who giggling at my outburst.

"Y/N, can you please try to be friends with him? For me please.."

"But mom-"

"No buts" my mom cut me of "I know you two don't get along well but at least try.."


"Thank you love" my mom said as she pecked my forehead. We all headed to the car, ready to leave.

I got in the backseat where Jungkook was sat
When I turned to look at him, he was already staring at me with a smirk on his face.

This is gonna be so bad..


This was my first chapter in this book! Hope you enjoyed it!!

This was my first chapter in this book! Hope you enjoyed it!!

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