Chapter Four

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      All Jake could hear was gunshots and endless screaming. The room was tense with fear. Three explosions had blasted the school, only sounding to be four classrooms down the hall. What was once a dreaded building to arrive at, was now a battleground. Fear, and helpless teenagers against monstrous gunmen.
      The shots didn't seem like they were getting any closer, but they didn't feel like they were in the distance. They just sounded everywhere. It didn't feel like the shooters were in a certain spot shooting. It didn't feel like they were walking or running. They were just shooting. Shot after shot. Nothing changed. Screams, sobs, loud footsteps, and deadly shots.
      Jake tightly huddled with his class in the back of the room. They'd practiced this thousands of times before, but it was never severe. Those five minutes of sitting carelessly in the back of the classroom were now filled with fear and worry.
      He could smell smoke. It was crisp and thick. It must've come from the explosions. He told himself no one had been in there, and maybe all of the music club was safely outside with the police. With the loud gunshots still echoing the halls, his hopes were crushed.
      There was what sounded like cheering. It had to have been the gunmen. Jake clenched his fists in anger. How sick do you have to be to congratulate yourselves on the number of people you've killed? Two shots boomed in two different places. One was a lot louder than the other.
      Nearby, Jake heard screams, then a round of six shots. It sent chills down his spine. There were footsteps, then more screams. Four shots this time. Jake could tell they weren't far. There were seven shots, shrill screams accompanying them. It was a pattern.
      There were footsteps, then the door opened. Jake froze. The gunman turned and saw them in the dark. He smiled, pointing the gun. Screams filled the air, loud and terror-struck.
      He started shooting. Jake ducked down, covering his head. His heart pounded against his chest, speeding up every shot. He felt a body lean against his, so he slumped over to look dead. If he had any chance of survival, it'd have to look like the bullet took the lives of him and whoever was next to him.
      There were two more shots before silence. Jake didn't move though. He'd heard the door shut but he still felt unsafe. There'd been no assurance that the shooter hadn't shut the door and stopped shooting to make the students think they were safe. Cautious, he raised his head.
      Daisy's pale blue eyes stared blankly ahead. There was a small hole in her chest where the bullet had hit her.
      Jake's heart sank. He bit back the tears forming in his eyes. She'd always been so kind to him. Without her, he'd never have joined the music club and broke free from the awful friends he held onto for a much longer time than he should have.
      Sobs broke out in the room, but nobody moved. Some covered their ears as if trying to block the ringing out. In the next room, the pattern continued. Jake counted every shot, but soon lost count when they started quickening. He'd wanted to call the police, his mom, someone, but he'd left his phone in his locker.
      A single gunshot rang out in the hallway, then there was pure silence. Jake had a burning hope in his stomach that it was one of the gunmen shooting himself, so this could all be over soon. But why would only one of them end their life if they were doing this together?
      When three more shots sounded, Jake could tell this had been far from over. He knew the police had been called many, many times, but that didn't increase their pace. The smell of fire and smoke was getting stronger, and the gunshots were just becoming more frequent.
      Everything was a blur. Time didn't seem to be moving, it was just dragging along waiting for the shooters to succeed. To kill, and ruin the lives of so many people.
      "She's still breathing, someone, help!" a voice whispered from the left corner. The body of students turned, seeing what looked to be a junior, laying on the ground. Her chest rose and fell quickly, and her eyes were locked shut. It didn't look like she had much time left.
      Jake scoot closer to her to see where she'd been hit, and see if he could offer at all any help. His heart stopped.
      It was Stacy. 

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