13 - Meet The Burtons... And An Ex:

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It wasn't my intention to show up to Cliff's house in a bad mood, but the first thing I saw was Dave sitting out front in a lawn chair, and there was a special trigger inside of me with that man's name on it.

"Kirk, look! It's the guy from MegaDick!" I boldly announced as we got out of my car, making it loud enough for Dave to hopefully hear every word.

I could hear him chuckling and it grated at my eardrums more than it should've. Kirk waved me off, gesturing that it's best we don't pay him any attention.

"Uh-huh, sure. Wouldn't you like to know all about this mega-dick?"

Jesus, a harder eyeroll had never been produced. I was afraid my eyes might fall right out of their sockets. When I turned away from the car, I saw him smirking around a cigarette, which made everything way worse.

"Why are you here?" I stomped through the front gate, ready to go into attack mode.

"To support Corinne, because y'know... She's one of the few people from the 'Tallica circle who don't hate on me for no reason."

"No reason? Have you not repeatedly shat on Kirk, accusing him of stealing your guitar parts?"

At once Kirk came through the gate too and Dave rose from his chair.

"Hey, man," he extended a hand and Kirk, as polite as he shouldn't have been, shook it.

"C'mon angel, leave Dave alone. We're cool."

I knew better so I ignored him, "So, what, Cliff's ashes haven't even been scattered and you're already vying for a piece of his girlfriend?"

His face contorted into a frown. He looked genuinely taken aback. I wasn't accustomed to Dave Mustaine being anything other than smug. His parted, pouty lips closed again as his face stiffened.

"You know what, Dove? Instead of being a massive fucking bitch-"

"Language." Kirk's warning was stern and Dave instantly nodded, his anger being diluted by his shame.

My confusion grew. Was he actually obeying Kirk?

It was of course possible Metallica and Megadeth sorted their shit out, but that had nothing to do with me. I don't care if they made nice or not. I was more than capable of holding a grudge for as long as I felt the need to. And I never felt the need to be best pals with David.

Kirk gave my waist a squeeze and then he decided to disappear, up the front porch and into the Burton house. I had no fucking idea why he'd leave me alone with Dave, but alright. I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for him to say his piece.

"Look, Cliff was my friend too and I-"

"Instead of being a massive fucking bitch... what?" There were several tones of agitation over my voice, "finish your sentence."

"I meant to say that instead of being mean to me over petty shit I did in the past, you could just... hug me."

My eyes narrowed threateningly at him, "There's nothing I'd love more right now than to not have to hug you. Or touch you. In case you haven't noticed, I don't like you very much, Dave."

He offered me his cigarette and I shook my head. That thing was tainted. I wasn't going to take it even if it was the last smoke I ever had.

"Because it's cool to hate on Dave Mustaine, whatever, I know that... I just thought you, of all people, could put that shit aside just until we give Cliff a proper send-off at least."

"That's what happens when you don't know people, David. You over or underestimate them and you end up looking so damn silly."

"Jesus Christ, I was never given a real chance to get to know you!"

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