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Katie's POV

Connor's been more annoying than ever these past few days and you know what, I think it's time for him to get a piece of his own medicine.

I mean would he be that angry if I pulled a prank on him, probably not. So, let's do it. I'm gonna need some hephaestus help to pull it off though. Nyssa. Hopefully she'll help although on the flip side there's the hephaestus curse. Oh whatever I'm sure it'll be fine.

By instinct I walked over to the hephaestus cabin realizing that most of them go to the forges during the day. So then I walked across camp again and headed to the forges. And there's Nyssa, finally.

"Nyssa, Nyssa, NYSSA" I screamed.

She took off her welding helmet and looked at me.

"Whatcha doing here?" She asked

"Well I need some help and I'm not an expert at this"

"Expert at what?"


"I see, well I can be you partner in crime if you want"

"Perfect! Got any good ideas?"

"Yeah I've got a few" She said as a mischievous smile danced across her face.

Sorry that it's so short again but I couldn't think of anything at the moment but wanted to post. I promise that the next chapter will be longer. And I'm going to try to post once a week.

And please feedback is really ENCOURAGED.

All Is Fair In Love & War- A Tratie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now