Team Games

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Katie's POV

I left the Hephaestus cabin and went straight to the dining pavillion to have lunch with my siblings. Everything was normal, same people, same tables, same food, same smile from Travis, Travis was giving me friendly smile rather than a mischievous one.

He's up to something, bigger than anything else. I mean why else would he look at me like that. He's probably just trying to sike me out or something. Yeah, that's it.

I went on with my normal lunch but something still felt off, Travis was looking at the ground while Connor stared at me. Oh no. He must've gotten the entire Hermes cabin to help prank me. Not this time, nope I'll make sure that he doesn't mess with me again.

Travis POV

I was looking at Katie when she glanced over and saw me and that was when he knew.

"Dude what was that?" Connor asked mockingly.

"Nothing" I quickly replied

"Oh my Gods, you have a crush on Katie!" He whisper yelled.

I sheepishly looked at the ground while Connor stared at Katie.

He turned back at me, finding the words to make fun of me He said "She is so out of your league" like dam, what's that supposed to mean.

Connor continued to tease me until Chiron started to make an announcement.

"We will be having the first game of capture the flag of the summer tonight (just pretend that the war was during the school year and now it's summer) so be prepared, do some training, and get ready for fun." Chiron then sat back down as all the chatter started again.

"We're gonna have to make a team. Who do we want guys?" I asked the rest of my siblings.

"We should get the Athena cabin. They're smarts could be good for us" Julia said.

"Yeah, and definitely the Ares cabin too" Chris blushed. (Cause ya know ship)

"Demter cabin too" Connor added.

Everyone looked at him like he was crazy and I just sat there trying to hide my blush.

I leaned over to him and whispered "fix this" luckily he cooperated with me.

"They could grow some plants and attack people, thought we could try out a new strategy" He reasoned. When the rest of them shrugged and agreed I let out a small sigh of relief.

"Great so we talk to the Athena, Ares, and Demeter campers and form alliances with them." Everyone nodded in agreement and we finished our lunches.

After lunch we went to the Athena cabin where Annabeth and Malcolm were sitting and both of them had books for umm... BATTLE STRATEGY! Now I really hoped they would accept the offer. As I walked up to them I noted just how many books there was. And there was a ton.

"Umm Annabeth" I made my presence acknowledged without disturbing them.

"Oh, Hey Travis Whatcha doin here?" She asked.

"I wanted to know if we could form an alliance between our two cabins for tonight"

"Maybe, give me a minute" She leaned over to Malcolm and whispered some things to him and he whispered back. I have no idea what they said but it must've been good cause she came back and said she'd take us up on the offer.

After that we went to the Ares cabin and Classise said they'd do it. We all know it was for Chris but we have them, so who cares why.

Then we went over to the Demeter cabin to see if we could gain their trust. At first Miranda was hesitant due to complications between me and her sister but after a while she gave in.

So there we have it Hermes, Athena, Ares, and Demeter. Together we should be unbeatable.

Time skip to after dinner for the game. Still in Travis's POV.

I was walking to get my armor and you'll never believe who I had run into. Katie! She didn't seem annoyed with me when I'd run into her probably 'cause of the alliance between our cabins.

I'm trying something new so I smiled at her with my sweetest smile and said "Hello Miss Gardner" then went to go get my armor and weapons.

Katie POV

Somethings different about Travis. I want to believe that he's a nice person but I can't. Even with that nice smile he's still Travis Stoll. Meaning he really is up to something and I'll figure it out but for now let the games begin.

Travis POV (again)

After everyone had gotten their armor our three cabins plus the rest of our default team had huddled up for a game plan. Everyone knew that the Athena kids were the ones in charge so getting our team captain (Annabeth) was easy.

"Herems, Demeter, and Poesidon cabins act as mid/defense, (sorry I really don't know the positions and stuff) the Athena, Ares, Nike, and cabins make our offense team, while the Iris, Hecate, and Nemesis cabins make our defense team. Got it" Annabeth made sure everybody knew what the plan was and and we decided where to put the flag. That was it so everyone went on their way to their positions.

Everything was perfectly fine until Connor wanted to switch places.

"What, no"

"C'mon, you'll be by Katie" He whined.

"Fine" I huffed, though secretly it's exactly what I wanted.

We couldn't see the offence team anymore they'd scattered and left fighting for the flag.

I zoned out for a while before realizing there were people. And it wasn't Percy or anyone from the Hermes or Demeter cabins. I knew what that meant. Time to fight.

Katie POV

I'd seen people through the trees on my right, and I'm guessing Travis did too cause he started to move in my direction. Instead of my sword I decided to use the plants as defense. It wasnt a tactic I usually used in a fight but Annabeth explained how it could help.

I started to make the trees and weeds grow bigger and thicker making it hard for the group of people to get through. After a while someone I think was Will Solace, managed to break through my barrier. He's an amazing fighter but I let Travis take him while I closed up the hole and prevented others from getting through.

It had been about twenty minutes and plenty of people had gotten through but we were fighting them off when Clarisse, Annabeth, and Malcolm had come running back with the flag.

They were so close to getting it over the boundary when Malcolm was hit by an arrow, causing him to fall with the flag. Connor and Chris had gone to fight the other team while Annabeth helped Malcolm and Clarisse brought the flag home for the win.

Word count: 1111 (just thought it was funny)

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