Pranks pt 2

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Travis's POV

I have a prank for Katie but I need to prank another cabin too or else people will get suspicious. So here I am sitting on my bunk in the Hermes cabin. My siblings were all out doing stuff and so the cabin and all of its pranking equipment was mine to use.

I walked over to closet in the back of the cabin. To a camper who wasn't a Hermes kid it would seem like a normal closet, maybe for cleaning supplies but it was the source of all things pranks. When you open it it up it just seems like a small dark closet but turn on the light, push the button and watch all the equipment appear in front of you.

So anyway, I took out some blueprints of a few cabins and thought of some ways to mess with 'em. I decided to prank the Apollo cabin with a solo mission kind of prank. These ones are risky but I'll take my chances. Now the only thing to do is set up the plan for the prank.

Nyssa POV

Me and Katie were sitting in the hephaestus cabin brainstorming some ideas for pranks. I had a notebook in hand and was clicking my pen when Katie got up and walked over to the lever that revealed a secret room.

"What's this?" She asked

"It opens the entrance to a room" I replied.

"what room?" She asked with more curiosity.

"We have a room full of inventions that aren't used as much as the ones back in the forges" I explained.

Katie's the kind of person where the more answers you give the more they'll ask.

Sometimes it can be annoying but seeing as it's inventions we might be able to use it's actually helpful.

As we finished up some important prank plans the bell rang for lunch. (Just pretend that's how it goes)

I started to scramble to pick things up before any of my siblings decided to use it for something.

"Wanna pick this up in after lunch?"

"Sorry Kat (just go with the idea that it's her nickname) but I promised Harley I'd help him with training.

"That's fine we just have to get it done by Saturday"


I know this is short still but I'm used to working with short stories and short scenes in plays so I'm trying to work my way to bigger chapters. I promise they'll come with time.

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