All Is Fair In Love And War

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Katie's POV

I kissed him. Travis Stoll. I really kissed him. That idiot, he'll do anything to mess with me, anything to win. Once I got back to camp I went to the Hephaestus cabin for some battle stratagizing. "Where have you been" (Molly Weasley vibes) "And why weren't you at dinner" Annabeth scolded me.

"Sorry, I took a walk to relax and de-stress ya know"

"Alright" Annabeth glared at me, not believing my story "We need a plan"
"Why don't we......" The way his hand was placed on mine and his eyes, oh his eyes. They were big, and brown, and soft and.... "Got that Katie?" Nyssa asked, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Huh oh yeah. I got it" I said with confidence.

"Really? Ok, then what did I say?" Nyssa challenged me.

"Um" I scanned my brain, but it came up blank. "Not trying to kill anyone" I said in a high pitched tone, hoping i was correct.

"No, I said that there's a stash of weapons on the left hand side of the arena and plant seeds on the right"

"Oh yeah, I know. I just said the wrong thing so you'd repeat it for anyone who didn't know" I responded with a nervous laugh. I could tell that she didn't believe me, but i just played it off like it was a joke. I wasn't paying attention for the rest of the meeting either, but instead I replayed the kiss in my head repeatedly until it was time to go.

Once we were all there, we put our game faces on and got into position for battle. I couldn't, I just couldnt do it, not after that. The only thing I want is to be sitting by my pond daydreaming about....gods know what. And since Travis was here, fighting, I went to do just that. I jumped over some vines, fought someone, then turned to the next person in my path to quickly 'battle' them and move on. I was constantly avoiding traps and nets in the way as I swiftly made my way to the arena exit. Once I was out of the arena I walked to my pond, taking a detour because I decidedly wanted a change.

Once I'd gotten close enough to see the pond, I'd also saw that there was someone there. It took me a second to realize it was Travis. I thought he was fighting in the arena, but then again I'd just assumed he was and hadn't looked for him. Anyway, since it was him I carefully walked over and sat down. He glanced in my direction when I sat down but hadn't proceeded to say anything. 'that was one hell of a kiss' I said in my head, but it didn't sound right, 'what was that kiss about' no that wasn't right either. Then, without thinking about it, I moved my hand so it was holding his.

In return he squeezed my hand, "Why play with me like this?" He asked near tears.

"What?" Is all I was able to choke out.

"Can't you see how I feel. The pranks, they were usually only on your cabin, and the kiss it meant something to me but you just left like it was nothing, and..." I cut him off with a kiss.

"It meant something, I ran cause I thought you were toying with me" I said, tearing myself away from him.

Travis lifted his hands and cupped my face with them, "Never". He kissed me again, this time more passionately than before. Our mouths moved faster this time, but still in sync. I couldn't help but indulge in the kiss, it was like a dream. After a while his hands moved and found their way to my hips, holding me in his embrace. My hands did the opposite. I didnt think about it and I certainly wasnt consciously doing it, but my hands seemed to roam and explore his body. They eventually made their way to the bottom of his shirt, which they lifted a bit to explore further unknown territory.

"So, did that mean something to you?" He asked Cause it sure did to me"

"Heck yeah it did!" I said with a smile. He chuckled at that.

All Is Fair In Love & War- A Tratie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now