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If I'm ranting thru this, forgive me because I can't take it. There are so much things in my mind when I say the word "despair".

1) I watched Dangan Ronpa. I'm sorta like a nerdy-girl here. Hehe. I watched the game plays from NicoB. Also, I wanna compare the game from the anime. As far as I observed, they really cut some parts from the anime.

2) My finals are tomorrow. Yeah... I should be studying right now. I have three freaking days of tests (two per day). There's also my Computer finals tomorrow, good thing that my teacher allowed us to finish the test. But there is another Computer test on Tuesday. So technically, I have two test in Computer. ARGHHH!

3) I have Performance Tasks. So let me give you a background about Performance Tasks. Performance Tasks are one of the important components in a quarter. If you fail in the quarter test then you have to do good in the PT so that your grade will pull up. If not, pretty much you are fudged. In other words, you cannot take PTs lightly and take them SERIOUSLY. Basically, after my final exams, I have four PTs (three are documentaries and one book) and all of them are on the 13th. Yeah... Friday the fu***** 13th. Plus, we are cramming so RAAAAHHHH! Sorry about that, that is my roar.

4) I'm graduating. I probably said this too many times but I'm graduating from Junior High School. But it doesn't mean that I legitally graduated from High School, there is Grades 11 and 12. Since I'm graduating, pressure is so big and expectations are huge.

5) R.I.P laptop (2012-2015). Yesterday, my parents took my laptop to the repair shop to get my laptop fixed. My laptop overheats then it shuts down even it was five minutes. After shopping, my parents and I went back to the repair shop then the mechanic told them that my laptop kept shutting down. The problem is the motherboard then if there is a new motherboard in my computer, there is a 50-50 chance that my laptop is at a total shut down. I became sad that day and had no motivation to eat or to talk. Yeah... that desperate. My laptop is like my second friend. My parents suggested me to transfer all files to a external hard drive. But while I was doing that, it shut down all by itself. It's not even hot. I tried to turn it on but it shut down when it started. I tried it again over and over then there was a message on a blue background. I didn't say anything; I went to my room, locked my room and literally cried. My dad told me that it will be okay but I didn't take his advice. I know he is my father but I don't trust false hopes; I learned that in Dangan Ronpa Minecraft by MangoKiwi, the chapter where Matt got executed... yeah his execution is really harsh... you can't survive an execution. Anyways, my dad suggested that he should buy a new laptop for my personal stuff and for the next school year. But it doesn't feel the same... I have to go to my tablet for internet today.

Tests and PTs are more or less the reason why I haven't updated anything this week so I'll start updating again probably next week, after the Thanksgiving Night (which is on the 14th)

I have nothing else to say. Bye...

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