.: Chapter 6 :.

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This is going to be the flash back from the other chapter so Enjoy! :)

TW: Beating up, Blood, Swearing, Homophobia (Kinda) and Hurting Gogy

Time: 2:50pm

Location: History Classroom (Room 403)
George's P.O.V -

History was almost over and thank god for that. For starters History is a shit subject and I have to deal with Nico and Jason.

Nico and Jason being friends, and obviously my bullies who are dick heads. And even better they have to sit behind me. Thanks a lot Ms Simons.

Anyways, throughout the whole lesson the idiots behind me were kicking my chair throwing stuff at me to tick me off. And the fucking teacher didn't do anything about it.

I tried to keep my attention on the board but was not able to since you know who but the bell finally rings. I start packing my stuff up in a hurry to get heck out of this classroom. 

'Book? Check, Pencil Case? Check.' 

No that I've got everything, I can leave now. I start leaving the classroom and thank the teacher for the lesson, but soon get stopped by her.

"George, stay back for a bit please." Ms Simons said.

I nod my head and wait until everyone had left the classroom, which didn't take long, no surprises at all. 

"What did you need to talk about?" I ask, see the teacher knows I hate her so I act like I don't.

"Oh, yes. Its about your grades." She says.

Crap, see I'm not the best at this subject so now I'm worried. I forget about the feeling and continue with the conversation.

"What about them?" I ask.

"Well, they've gone up which is good. Would you like to see?" She says.

I'm shocked, not only she wants to show me but I'VE been improving!? I nod my head and take a step closer.

She points to where my name was on the screen.


---------- ----------     | A | B+ | A+                                 | A |

George Davidson  | D | C   | C-                                  | B+|

-------- ------------     | C | B+ | F (Didn't hand in) | D  |


I was in utter shock, I guess al that studying really paid off.

"Uh- Thank you for showing me?" I say unsure.

"Its alright dear, now get going I need my daily Starbucks" Ms Simons says while getting up.

I stifle a laugh and make my way out of the classroom. I run to my dorm room to tell Karl and Bad the good news.

But something good turned bad real quick. While running across campus I manage to see Nico and his shit friends. I try my best to ignore them but no, apparently it doesn't go well.

"Aww, is little Georgie tired?" Nico coos.

"Fuck off Nico, I don't have time for your shit." I retaliate.

Not even a second later I'm against a brick wall. And one punch in, I'm bruised in the stomach.

"Listen Fag, don't go spreading your disease around. Its disgusting how you like men, I mean just be normal and we might leave you alone." Nico says.

"I don't like men idiot." I lie.

I don't even know how the fuck they know how I'm gay. I mean Karl and Bad wouldn't say anything, right?

"Like we'd listen to you, bitch. Just go and get fucked by your dad, then you and your mother can be twins." He smiles wickedly.

He turns back to his group and whisper something to them. Then he runs off, what a coward.


Punches. Here, there, everywhere. I never stopped. Honestly can someone just shoot me with a gun, if they do I'd thank them.

After about 5 minutes, they had left. Thank god but I needed help. I tried to get up using my force, I barely made up. I leaned against the wall to look at my injures. I had a nose bleed, many bruises and cut along the bottom of my leg.

I grabbed my stuff and made way to my dorm, and boy was it painful but I was close to the building so that was a positive.


Pretend that they could listen to the parts before

"And then I arrived, and now we're here." I finished.

No one said anything, but they were all filled with rage. Dream and Sapnap looked like they were going to kill the bastard while Bad, Skeppy and Karl still looked pissed but not as mad as the other to.

"How long do you have left of college?" Dream asked sternly.

"A-about 2 weeks." I say.

He turns to look at Skeppy and Sapnap, they both nod there heads leaving Karl, Bad and I in confusion.

"Ok, after College you guys are moving in with us." He said.

My eyes widen, so did Karl and Bad.

"We can't accept th-" Bad got cut off.

"We insist, please." Skeppy says.

I sigh, I mean it would be nice I guess?

"Fine we'll do it." I say.

Bad and Karl look back at me, then back at them. They nod there heads and give in.

"But on one condition." Karl says, "You have to show us your house now, or later I don't mind."

"Ok, we'll take you there." Dream says.

Karl and Bad get up and grab some stuff. I couldn't tell what they were grabbing though. They make their way back over and nod. 

Everyone gets up and makes there way to the door, while I feel someone pick me up. I let out a little scream while the person lets out a laugh.

And of course its Dream.

"Don't worry we aren't kidnapping you." He says still laughing.

I nod my head and lean into his touch, while we make our way to there car.


Finally this chapter is out lol.


See ya'll next chap!

daddy's naughty little boy~~ | dreamnotfound, karlnap, skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now