.: Chapter 18 :.

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Time: 12:00pm
Location: Mall
3rd P.O.V -

George, Bad, Karl and Quackity were all at the mall. Why, because they the others had a meeting with some people and didn't want them to interrupt. But back to the present.

They were looking around shops and other stuff, they didn't have that many things in their bags but Quackity was clearly trying to change that.

"C'mon, you guys should get this!" Quackity said.

"But we don't want to wast-" Bad got cut off.

"Waste? You realise their rich as fuck, you could buy a car and they wouldn't care." Quackity said.

"First, language and Second, if its ok with them I don't mind." Bad said.

Quackity did a little cheer and continued their shopping spree. They had been at it for a while, in and out of multiple shops.

They looked around some more to find random stuff until Quackity pulled them into a shop. It was a pool shop, y'know stuff to do with pools.

"Why are we in here Quackity?" George asked.

"You really don't know? We have a pool and I want more floaties!" Quackity yelled and ran to the floaties.

The 3 of them walk over to Quackity who had a whole bunch of them in his arms, some of them were falling to the floor from how much he had.

"Ok, so we are gonna get the flamingo, unicorn, tire rings and pool noodles to beat Tommy at king of the castle." Quackity said.

He placed them into a trolley (Shopping Cart but in Australian) and went over to the checkout. They paid using one of their cards and then left the store. 

"Ok, we have one more shop to go to!" Quackity said.

They all followed quackity into a shop. It was filled to the brim with pink, soft pink's, harsh pink's and more.

"Uh, Quackity why are we here?" George asked.

Quackity didn't answer, except take a soft pink skirt down. 

"Just buy one please." Quackity begged.

After at least 10 minutes, they finally agreed. They each choose one including Quackity. Bad choose a white skirt, Karl choose a light pink as well as George and Quackity got a soft grey skirt. Once they were sure with the choices they checked out.

They make there way back to the car, placed all the stuff into the trunk and went back home. 

They arrived in at least 15 minutes. They all jumped out of the car to get into their swimmers. Lets take a look at Karl.

Karls P.O.V -

I was making way to my shared room, Bad and George was with me they were ahead of me though. Anyways, we were walking nearly running down the hall way.

We saw Skeppy, Sapnap and Dream at the end of the hallway. I waved for Sapnap to come and he did. By now George and Bad were in the room.

Sapnap gave me a little kiss on the cheek.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"It went really well! We're about to go swimming, wanna join?" I say.

"Sure, I'll ask the others to. See you at the pool?" He asked, or more questioned.

"Yep, see you then." I say and walk to my room.

One question was still left in my head, Who is he going to ask? But this isn't the time to think, its time to swim. I enter the room and see George on his bed on his phone.

He was wearing board shorts and a plain white T-shirt.

"Bad just getting changed." George said.

I nod my head and then Bad opened the bathroom door. He was wearing the same thing as George, just different shorts. Bad had dark red shorts, whilst George had blue.

"Oh hey Karl! You can use the bathroom now also remember sunscreen!" Bad said.

I nod and make my way into the closet to get clothes and then head to the bathroom.


Finally a shopping Chapter, I was planning to do it earlier but now its Chapter 18

Stay safe in ur homes <3

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