.: Chapter 12 :.

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I HAVE CHANGED MY USERNAME, and my profile photo... lol

Time: 10:00pm
Location: Mansion
George's P.O.V  -

We've had dinner and had finally packed everything into its right place. We were all chilling in the living room after a long and boring day but it was worth it.

In the living room we had a lot of things going on. Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo were playing monopoly which caused a lot of rage from all of them. Techno was reading a book, wearing his glasses. And everyone else was doing there own thing which I paid no attention to.

But for me, I was drawing. See I have this problem, where I draw down stuff not bothering to pay attention to it, but once I think I'm done I just leave it, as in walk away, and then look back at it later.

But I didn't want to do that, since I'll be feeling very awkward if I just walk away. So what best decision is to say that I'm tired and that I'll go to bed. Man, I just had a big brain moment.

I start getting up, and nearly everyone's eyes wonder to me since the noise that I've made just by getting of a couch.

"I'm gonna go to bed." I say.

A sea of 'Good nights' or 'Night George' and one person had the audacity to say 'G'night Gogy'. Anyways, I left the living room going through all of- well not all but most of the halls just to get to my shared room.

After a 2 minute walk just to get to the room, I had finally realised.

'Shit! Why didn't I close the sketch book!?' I thought to myself.

This was bad. Not because I don't know what the fuck I've drawn but I know what I've drawn before and it was still bad. I sprint through the halls again and practically yeet myself into the elevator, and speed click the '1st floor' button until I finally make it down to the floor.


Time Reverse: When Georgie left 
3rd P.O.V (Ahh yes, my shit narrating skillz) -

Since George had left since he was 'tired', well lets just say it left curiosity for 2 people. Tommy and Tubbo, they knew what they had to do. Since they had seen George working on a story or a drawing they were curious and wanted to see it.

Tommy pulled Tubbo over for a little 1 on 1.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Tommy whispered.

Tubbo nodded his head, no words were needing for this little mission. They have been snooping pros ever since they were born, or thats what they think.

Karl and Bad knew about George's problem so they wanted to help him keep it a secret until George was comfortable with it, but they were to hooked up in what they were doing to notice that his sketch book was wide open for anyone to see. Karl and Bad could see Tommy and Tubbo whispering, they obviously though nothing of it since they didn't know Tommy and Tubbo that well.

But back to the clingy duo. They decided that Tubbo would get it since he's never suspicious of anything even though he and Tommy are normally causing trouble.

Tubbo tried to ninja roll but failed although it caught no ones attention. Tubbo sighed in relief and continued with his mission. He was in close reach of the book, he reached his hand up cautiously and grabbed it as quick as he could. He escaped the scene quicker than he had done anything else.

He went over to Tubbo who was giggling quietly, it got contagious quickly and soon Tubbo started to giggle too. 

They opened the book to the first page and boy were they surprised. It was a cat, all in pencil and looked legit real.  

daddy's naughty little boy~~ | dreamnotfound, karlnap, skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now