.: Chapter 11 :.

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Time: 5:00pm

Location: Mansion
Karl's P.O.V -

We had finally made it to the mansion. It took a while but we were finally there, what I mean by that was Tommy complaining.

Anyway, we were all at inside the house but near the front door. Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity, Wilbur, Ranboo and Technoblade had placed our luggage down, but I think we all know that they have to pick it up soon.

We were all talking to people to get to know them. George was talking with Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo while Bad was talking to Technoblade and I was talking to Quackity. Ranboo was Talking with Dream, Sap and Skeppy.

We talked for a while, like 10 minutes until Dream had to announce over everyone. He whistled one of those farmer type of whistles. Everyone turned to look at him and he started to talk.

"I know all of us are having a good time chatting but lets take you guys to your room." Dream announced, very loudly.

Everyone followed him to the elevator and piled in. Well except the special six that had to carry all the luggage, they had to catch the elevator after everyone was already on the floor.

We had landed on floor number 2. We walked down the hallway, until we came to a stop. Dream turned to us.

"Do you guys want to share a room or have your own?" Dream asked.

I turned to look at them, they shrugged their shoulders.

"Hold on, 1 second." I said.

I pulled George and Bad over to a huddle facing away from them. We communicated through eye contact, a skill we have worked on for a while. We had decided that we should, I mean it would be fun and not lonely, right? We turned back and nodded our heads in sync.


Dream walked down the hall, leaving us there for a bit, peeping his head in each room deciding which one would suit all of us. He eventually stopped at this one room. Dream signalled us to come over, so we did.

He had closed the door so that we wouldn't see what it looked like, for a surprise of course!

"You guys ready?" Sapnap questioned.

We all nodded our heads. They all smirked, and opened the door.

Our mouths had dropped, although it wasn't much, it was still an upgrade. There were 3 beds in total. 2 on the floor and 1 that you needed a ladder to climb up to. The ladder was in between the 2 beds on the floor, which created room for objects. There were dressers one for each of us, our own bathroom and a walk in closet. 

Beds look similar to this ^

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Beds look similar to this ^

I turn back to look at them all, with tears in my eyes. I turn back to look at George and Bad who had tears in there eyes to. I ran up to Dream, Sap and Skeppy and engulfed them all in a group hug. George and Bad joined not even a few seconds after.

We all stayed there in a group hug for a while until some idiot had to ruin it all.

"HEYY GU- woah what shit have you guys been into lately?" Tommy yelled.

George lifted his head up to look at Tommy.

"We're just in a group hug being emotional." George said.

We had all pulled apart from the group hug not because everyone was here now, its because we're not emotional anymore... well most of us.

"Ok, we'll leave you guys now. See you at dinner?" Skeppy said.

We nodded our heads and everyone left leaving the luggage in the room.


Tommy's P.O.V -

I turn to Wilbur, and he looks back at me and I can just tell that we're both thinking the same thing. We stare at each other until...

"Bet, you at least one of them has a crush on another one." Wilbur betted.

"How much for?" I ask.

Wilbur thinks for a second until it clicks in him. Listen we're brothers so I can tell when this happens.

"I'll let you have Friend for a day, and for you to be in charge of me for a week." Wilbur suggests.

This man has no idea what he's getting into. I'm the king of betting! Well, under Quackity, Sap, Techno, Dream an- ok, well at least I'm better than him... I think?

"Deal, but if you win you are charge of me for a week. And remember its got to be all 3 of them." I say agreeing.

We shook hands, the deal is now in place.

"Yo Tommy, Wilbur! You guys coming?" Tubbo calls from down the hallway.

"Coming!" We answer at the same time.

We start running down the hallway like little children to meet up with everyone, but Wilbur. 

It is on.


OOF! We got a lil bet going, who do you think is going to win? 👀

Also I'm feeling better, I felt sick yesterday and no, its not covid.

<3 <3

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