Chapter 3

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Akaashi looked between the two, confusion evident on his face.

"You two know each other?"

Neither Kenma nor Kuroo said anything. Bokuto and Akaashi looked at each other, still very confused. Everything was quiet for a few minutes until Kuroo broke the silence.

"You've changed a bit. I mean it's been a while hasn't it?" Kuroo chuckled, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere in the room.

"Well... It's been 4 years so..." Kenma mumbled. He didn't exactly want to talk to Kuroo. After Kuroo stopped messaging him two years ago, Kenma developed a bit of a grudge. Kuroo just stopped talking to him out of nowhere without an explanation, so of course, he would be mad.

"Yeah, I guess it has been that long hasn't it?" Kuroo laughed awkwardly. He realized he wasn't going to clear the air for a while.

"Do you two mind explaining what's going on here? I know I'm a little slow but even 'Kaashi is confused!" Bokuto interrupted Akaashi nodding in agreement.

"Oh yeah. Uh, Kenma do you-" Kuroo was cut off by Kenma slamming his door again. He didn't mean to be rude, but he really didn't want to talk with Kuroo at the moment.

From the moment he saw his messy hair he knew it was him and it wasn't going to end well. Truth is, Kenma never actually lost the feelings he had for Kuroo when they were younger. After that little kiss between them, Kenma's feelings only grew.

Akaashi turned to his boyfriends, still clearly confused. "Kuroo, you've got some explaining to do." He said as he walked back to the couch. He figured it was best to leave Kenma alone for now. He made Kuroo sit in the middle so all the attention was on him.

"Uh, ok... well we were really close when we were younger. We had been friends for years, but when I was 16 my family moved. That day was probably one of the worst days of life," He paused, letting out a small chuckle.

"I might be exaggerating but.. yeah.. anyway, like I said, we were really close, and when I left it hurt the both of us greatly. We kept in touch for a while... but about two years ago I kinda kept forgetting to message him.." He looked down at his lap and sighed.

He felt bad for doing that to him, but at that point, his life had become so busy with college, and not long after, he was in a relationship with not just one, but two people.

If he had told Kenma about what was going on then this situation could have potentially been avoided. Instead, he just stopped talking to him all together.

"Tetsu, that was very shitty of you to do," Akaashi spoke first, noticing Bokuto was a bit spaced out.

Bokuto felt bad for Kenma and just wanted to go give him a hug. He only saw the faux blonde for a moment but he thought he was very cute and something inside him told him to comfort the younger male.

"I know, I know. It wasn't intentional though,  not that it matters. I don't think he'll want to talk to me for a while, if ever." Kuroo sighed again, leaning back against the couch.

"Yeah, sorry Babe but Kaashi's right. That was very rude of you!" Bokuto wasn't one to curse often, so if he repeated anything his boyfriends said he would normally censor it. Now when he was extremely tired or drunk then he would curse up a storm, but those were both rare occasions.

Kuroo groaned and covered his face with his hands. "I know! I didn't think I'd ever see him again.. now I feel like complete shit."

If it wasn't obvious, Kuroo had a major crush on Kenma when they were kids. After he moved away, his feelings stayed the same, which is why he never dated in high school. It wasn't until he met Bokuto and Akaashi in his first year of college that he decided to get over his feelings for Kenma and try dating.

Bokuto and Akaashi had gone to the same high school, so they were already close. The three of them hit it off well and they decided to get together after a few months of being friends. They've been dating for about a year and a half now, almost two years, and things are going great.

"Just give him some time. It's been years and then you suddenly meet again out of nowhere. He's probably overwhelmed. I'll check on him before I go to bed." The youngest of the throuple said. Kuroo nodded and pulled Akaashi close to him as he leaned back against Bokuto.

"Alright. I need cuddles to make me happy again so do your thing." Both his boyfriends laughed and complied with his request.

Kuroo often preferred to be on the outside when they cuddled but right now he wanted to be squished by his boyfriends and maybe even take a nice nap.

Right before he could fall asleep, he felt Bokuto and Akaashi shifting around and eventually getting up.

"Cmon, Tetsu. We need to go back to our dorm. It's getting late." Bokuto said, pulling Kuroo to his feet.

"Why can't we stay here?" Kuroo whined like a child. It happened a lot when he was tired.

"Because my bed isn't big enough for all three of us and the couch is uncomfortable," Akaashi answered.

"Fine, fine. We really need a house together or something. Staying on campus kinda sucks since there can only be two people per dorm." Bokuto and Akaashi agreed and decided they could start looking at places later. For now, the older males needed to go to their dorm and Akaashi needed to check on Kenma.

Akaashi gave both his boyfriends a soft kiss before ushering them out of his dorm. He waved to them as they walked down the hall before closing the door and going to Kenma's door.

"Kenma? Are you alright? They left, you can come out now." Akaashi spoke through the door, knocking softly.

After he didn't get a response, he slowly opened the door and peeked inside. He saw the smaller male fast asleep under a mountain of blankets. He smiled softly and quietly closed his door before going to his own room.

He was concerned for both Kuroo and Kenma, but he thought it would be better for the two of them to solve their issue on their own. Akaashi didn't give it too much thought as he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

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