Chapter 5

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As Kenma thought, he couldn't keep his promise to Hinata. He had barely left his bed since Friday and was now worrying Akaashi. Said male was now standing outside Kenma's room. It was Sunday afternoon and Kenma's phone was going off nonstop to the point it was beginning to annoy Akaashi.

Akaashi knocked but received no answer, so he peeked inside. He saw Kenma laying under his usual pile of blankets, his back facing the door.

Akaashi couldn't tell if he was asleep or not, but his breathing was slow and even so he assumed he was. He walked over to the side of the bed and looked at his phone. Normally Akaashi would never do this, but the constant rings were annoying as hell.

Right as he picked up the phone, it rang again. He decided to answer it. "Hello?""You aren't Kenma. Where is he?"

"He's asleep. I'm his roommate, Akaashi Keiji. You are...?"

"I'm Hinata Shouyou! Kenma's best friend!" The ginger said proudly.

"Alright.. May I ask why you're blowing up his phone?" Akaashi said. He may have come off a bit rude, but it wasn't his fault. He was stressed and annoyed himself.

"Oh, I was checking on Kenma. He promised me he'd take care of himself this weekend since I couldn't see him."

"What do you mean 'take care of himself?"

"Oh... I dunno if I can tell you why exactly, but I wanted to make sure he was eating properly and taking his medications." Medications? Akaashi doesn't remember one time he's seen Kenma take anything other than some painkillers for a headache.

"What medications? I haven't seen him take any since he's been here."

"He hasn't been taking them?! I'm gonna come up there right now!" Akaashi heard some rumbling on the other side of the line before the cheery voice came back.

"You mind giving me that dorm number?"

"Oh, sure. It's room 55 on the second floor of building A." Akaashi said softly, hoping Kenma would stay asleep until he was done with his phone. He didn't want to upset Kenma if something else was truly wrong.

"Great. Thank you. I'll be there as soon as I can. Keep an eye on him for me ok?" Akaashi agreed and they hung up.

Akaashi gently sat down on the edge of the bed and moved a few strands of hair out of Kenma's hair. He thought the boy was truly beautiful and could see why Kuroo had feelings for him. He was a sweet guy, even if he was shy and stand-offish from time to time. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

He was confused as he stood up and left the room. Hinata couldn't possibly be here that fast. Nevertheless, he opened the door.

"I told you two I'd be over later," akaashi said as Bokuto and Kuroo walked in.

"We know but we missed you!" Bokuto said. Akaashi couldn't resist his cuteness. He led them to the couch where they all made themselves comfy.

"What have you been up to Keiji?" Bokuto asked, dragging out the "Ji" in his name.

"I just talked to one of Kenma's friends and he's coming to visit him later," Akaashi said softly.

The three of them had some random conversations until there was another knock at the door. Akaashi got up and opened the door. In front of him stood a short ginger who was holding hands with a taller male with dark hair and dark blue eyes.


"Yup! Where is he?" The shorter one said. Akaashi moved so they could come in and pointed to the door on the left.

"That's his room. He's still asleep."

"Thanks! Cmon Tobi!" Hinata said, dragging Kageyama behind him. Both boys failed to notice two other males on the couch.

"Kenma, wake up!" Hinata yelled as he and Kageyama walked into the faux blonde's room. Kenma stirred a bit before he sat up, trying to register what was going on.

"Shouyou? Why are you here?"

Hinata grabbed a pill bottle off his desk and shook it. "This is why."

Kenma groaned and laid back down. Hinata walked over to the bed and sat down while Kageyama sat in Kenma's gaming chair.

"Kenma, it shouldn't be this full. You've been here for about a week and you got this bottle two weeks before you came here." Hinata said, grabbing Kenma's shoulder and rolling him over to face him.

"I missed a few days, so what? I'm fine."

"You clearly aren't fine. Have you eaten anything today?" Kenma stayed quiet, looking away from the ginger.

"Kenma! It's almost 5! Cmon, Tobio can make you some food." Hinata said as he dragged Kenma out of bed. He would cook for Kenma himself, but Shouyou wasn't the best in the kitchen. With lots of whines and protests, the three males left the room and went to the small kitchen. Hinata made Kenma sit at the table with him while Kageyama began cooking.

"I'm going to have to tell Akaashi to make sure you eat and take your medicine. I won't tell him why unless you want me to, but I want to make sure you're ok," Hinata said softly so only Kenma could hear him. Kenma nodded and Hinata called Akaashi over.

"Yes?" Akaashi asked as he sat down.

"I was wondering if you'd keep an eye on Kenma while I'm not here. He has medicine he needs to take every morning, and he needs to eat at least three small meals. I can't tell you why he needs medicine, that's his business, but yeah."

Akaashi nodded. "Of course. That's fine, I respect his privacy," Akaashi smiled softly at Kenma. The older male could've sworn he felt butterflies seeing his soft, angelic smile.

"That's great! You seem like a great guy so I know I won't have to worry about him!" Akaashi smiled softly at the younger boy.

"I'll take great care of him for you, don't worry." Kenma glanced up at Akaashi, that fluttery feeling in his stomach coming back.

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