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"Yuusei, Y/N, get out

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"Yuusei, Y/N, get out. NOW."

Your feet frantically descended the stairs, adrenaline coursing through your system.

This couldn't be happening. Not right now.

You faltered at the bottom of the flight, meeting the eyes of your brother who flashed you one last distraught, tear-stained look before his figure disappeared through the other side of the agape front door.

You inhaled a panicked breath, tears streaming down your flushed cheeks as your attention was torn towards a mangled figure tackling your father to the floor a metre away. Your father let out an anguished yell, hands gripping the spongey, translucent flesh as their wrestling bodies blocked your only escape route.

A second growl ripped through the corridor.

Your head snapped to the inlet connecting the kitchen to the front entryway.

"No, no, no, no, NO!" Your hand clasped over your mouth, muffling the tortured scream seeping through your fingers.

Your mother or as she once was craned her bleeding neck to the sound of your sobs. Her eyes which harboured warmth and nurture mere hours ago were now replaced with milky, lifeless orbs that zeroed-in on your figure.

"No, no, no. MUM, ITS ME. STOP." 

She snarled and lunged, sending the both of you to the carpeted floor in a flurry of limps and shrieks.

Your head collided painfully against the heavy shoe cabinet. The blunt edge of the bottom drawers pierced into the base of your skull before the momentum redirected your forehead straight against the sharp corner of the cupboard.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Your brain reverberated against your skull, sight swirling as black spots filled your vision. The pain was indescribable. It felt akin to a hand mixer shoved deep into your head and switched to max speed.

You could have sworn you lost consciousness for a brief second but the growl of the monster hovering above you triggered an additional surge of adrenaline that kept you focused on staying awake.

Your heart thudded against your ribcage as you fought through tear-blurred vision, choked sobs replacing each breath as your mother's vicious bite clamped at the air centimetres away from your lower neck. Your arm pressed flush against her throat, pushing her back as you struggled to withstand her overwhelming strength. Her hands scratched aimlessly on your clothed arms.


Her body was yanked off you by a pair of bloodstained hands. You stared up at your father, who took no pause as he flung your mother into the twitching corpse of your aunt who struggled to regain her footing, sending the both of them crashing into the living room coffee table.

Your father pulled you to your feet, his pupils dilated in fear, "Y/N, go upstairs and lock yourself in the bathroom."

"No, I can't leavI'm notyou here." Incoherent words spluttered past your lips as you cowered behind him. The both of you edged backwards as your mum and aunt clamoured back over the couch clumsily, advancing in predatorily.


With a forceful shove, you stumbled up the stairshead spinning, tears streaming and consciousness depleting.

The bathroom was the closest door at the top of the stairs. You staggered in, slamming it shut and latching the lock before collapsing to the ground with your back pressed against the door.

Your fingers shook as you raised your hand to touch the edge of your forehead, the blood dripping onto your eyelashes as the haziness loomed in. A high pitch rang through your ears, your world spinning as faint shouts and snarls swirled in the background.

Your eyelids drooped and your vision doubled, your sprawled legs multiplying into four before you.

A strong thud slammed against the bathroom door, causing your heavy lids to widen a fraction.

"Y/N, find Yuusei. Find your brother. Protect him."

You recognised your dad's hoarse voice.

Your lips parted silently.

Come on, say something. Say something. Ask if he's okay.

"I love you both. Always."

And the scene before you went black.

✄ ┈┈┈

this was so fun to write... HOPE YALL LIKED THIS PROLOGUE <3 it feels so good to be back and writing fics again... i missed this a lot. lmk in the comments which haikyuu boi or girlie u want to see in the upcoming chapters!! ill make it work ;)

inarizaki will be appearing in chapter 3 so PUSH THRU my reader i swear itll be worth it 🥺 the first two chapters are just to set the tone

pls check out my tokrev fic too!! you can find it on my profile <3

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