Finally making a stand

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I could already smell eggs and French toast coming from downstairs when I woke up.I couldn't find any of them in the kitchen other than a note next to my breakfast.
Ada and Eli had to leave earlier for work so that leaves me alone for the whole day.
I quickly got ready and rushed out of the house to go job searching . I wore a long sleeve shirt and jeans which I quickly regretted cause of the heat in this side of the city. I didn't know where to even search so I spent half an hour walking up and down every street looking for a shop with a Help Wanted sign. I stopped by a vintage shop that had these beautiful ceramic angels. They looked like something my mom would love. Maybe I could get it for her on her upcoming birthday.
When my eyes lifted from the angels I saw that the register man was staring at me , which was weird cause my arms and legs were covered.
When I turned to leave he finally said something

"Are you from around here?"
"Huh" I answered while turning
"Are you from here?"
"No, not really"
"It shows" he's tone went higher
"You are wearing winter clothes in this kind of heat"
I looked down at my clothes and they did seem a bit off season. I guess it's not normal for anyone to wear a big sweater and jeans in summer.
"What are you looking for?" He asks again
"A job" I answered with a sigh
"Oh I'm sorry but we don't sell that here" he said with a sarcastic tone.
"You could check out the Italian restaurant across the street. I last saw a help wanted sign over there"
"Oh Thank you very much"

The smell of spicy sauces smacked my face when I opened the door of the restaurant. I could tell it was popular by the people already lining up for orders. I knew I couldn't just cut in the line so I just stood at the back and waited for my turn.
"May I hear your order" the lady by the cashier asked.
"Uhm I'd like to... uh... I saw the help wanted sign so here" I had no idea what to say.
The lady just gave me an assuring smile and went to go call the manager. The manager was this slim tall brown skinned lady who had a very calming face.
"Hey I'm Trisha Maxwell , and I hear that you're hear for a job" she starts flicking across some papers she was holding
"Uh yes"
" Okay then. The only spot open is dishwashing,are you sure you can handle that?"
I had no other choice
"Yes I'm good" I said with a smile
"Okay your pay will be J$100 a week, and you'll be starting immediately from tomorrow" she stated handing me a paper to sign
"Okay I'll be there" I answered handing her back the signed paper
" Good and next time wear something lighter, it's hot back there."
I nodded my head.
When I left the shop I thought of going back to thank the man from the vintage shop but I'm sure he could care less about a weird teenager with a bald head and wrong season clothes.

During dinner Ada said the most random thing
"I think it's best we take you to someone before you can handle going out to the world alone." He tried saying it as positive as possible.
"I already got a job" I answered kind of hurt that they feel something is wrong with me.
"Wow Alex ,that's great, what's the job?"
"Dishwashing at a restaurant opposite a vintage shop." I said wishing we could quickly drop the topic.
"That's great for a start" Ada said. "But I really think it's best for you to see someone"
"It wouldn't have to be everyday , just on the days you are free."
I didn't know what to say so I just kept my head down at my plate the whole time.
"Are you okay with it?" Eli finally adds to break the never ending silence.
I simply nodded .

The next day was nothing less hotter than the previous. I tried lightening down my clothes by wearing white long sleeve baggy shirt with tights. I hope I don't ruin this anymore. The shop was less packed in the morning. There were just a few ordering coffee on the go while grasping newspapers.
Trisha led me towards the back where the dishwashing was done and showed me how to fill up the dishwasher and empty out the scrapes.
"You'll also have to be in charge of the coffee machine because no one has time for it in a busy afternoon and evening."
"Okay" I answered but not really sure who would order coffee in the hot afternoon.
"Okay so you originally start your shift at 2pm to 4pm , then 6pm to 8pm cause those are our busiest hours." She took one last glance to make sure she'd said everything.
"Oh and one last thing, you can continue with both shifts till we find another person to switch your shifts with. Okay"
I put on my apron and waited for the dishes to come in.

When the clock hit 2 , people start filing in the place quickly as if they were waiting outside for the clock. By 3pm I had refilled the machine about 4 times and the heat was starting to get to me.
"Why don't you just wear something lighter" Carol says. She's one of the women waitresses and she always passes me the plates when customers are done. She looks a little above 30 and worn out.
"I don't have any other clothes" I replied
"Well my daughter has some shirts she left behind before boarding school" she stops ,waiting for my reply.
"Okay sure" I wasn't really sure I was ready to show my arms out yet, but she sounded so genuine.
I continued restocking till 7pm and I could feel my arms forming to jello. For the 5pm break Carol brought over some chips and fish that we had in the workers lounge but it didn't last long till my stomach was rumbling at 7pm.
The cleaners began clearing out the place and everyone started heading home. Carol slipped me a brown bag as I was removing my apron to leave. I only checked  outside that it was leftover chips and chicken. She's my new favorite.

When I got home I immediately started searching for apartments to rent. The only cheap and spacious apartments came with a roommate and that was an immediate No.
The cheapest single apartments were J$150 per month but were way too far from my job place.
Gosh this is hard.
"Wow you want leave already?" Eli says from behind me, making me jump.
"You scared me" I say switching of the site.
" I have a friend who knows a person who could get you a great apartment" he says while stepping back and going for the kitchen.
"Can you ask them for me?" I say while following behind him
"Sure , but did you tell Ada?" He raises his eyebrow

I ran through every room searching for Ada till I found him in the garage fixing up a motorcycle.
"Oh, what's up" he diverts his attention
"Who's motorbike?" I ask trying to find the right words to tell him.
"It's mine, I bought it off a car dumping site owner and I'm planning on fixing it up" he says proudly.
"But you already have a car"
"But I want another one" he says with a smile. That was the thing with Ada he always aimed for greater, which is probably why my uncle hated him so much. It was because Ada reminded him of what he wasn't.
"So since I have a job, I'm thinking of getting an apartment" I say breaking the short silence that was coming in.
"Why?" He answers looking worried
" I just want something for myself , that I got with my own hard work."
"Well do you think you'll be okay alone." He asks
"I'm sure I'll be okay. I'll definitely still keep calling and I'll keep going for the therapist sessions." I say still trying to convince him.
"Okay then"
"Yessssss" I scream running indoors.
I could feel excitement rushing through my body. I was finally making a stand.

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