Chapter 3

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I managed to get my leg around his neck and pulled him in causing him to go sideways. I kept him there and kicked him on his stomach before I rolled off the couch. I ran but he catches me by my clothes and I tripped. I kicked him and ran up the stairs then I ran for the window and smashed it with my elbow and tried to fit in when he grabs me by my hair and slams me down the wooden floor.

I hit my head hard enough to make me see double of him as he chuckles to himself. He loomed over me and had his knife in hand. He is ready to stab me and it would all be over. I refused to be killed this way and before he could drive the knife to my shoulder I grabbed the box as it clashes with the metal but his blade went through it and he grunts in annoyance before throwing it away.

As soon as it crashes down I saw a glint of a blade coming out  of the box and it clatters to the floor.

I saw it and I swear it felt like it was calling to me. I see him looming in and I skulled him right in the nose making him fall back. I grabbed it and as soon as I touched the handle flashbacks of people's faces flashed across my mind. Their screams and their pain...I could feel all of it. It tore my mind by how horrific it was and I clutched my head screaming and begging for it to stop.

My vision became red and I looked down to see blood in my hands. The knife itself is bleeding and I could not understand why. I could see a woman whose eyes were bleeding and I could feel her fury radiating throughout my body.

 I could see a woman whose eyes were bleeding and I could feel her fury radiating throughout my body

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Who was she? And who were these people?

I could see that she was holding the same knife as I am holding now and now that I think about it I feel like this blade is connected to her somehow. Though whoever the person that gave it to me in the first place must know who she is.

The man seems to have a different aura around him and he launches forward too quick for me to see but my body reacts to him as our blades clashed together. His eyes were shaking due form rage and I stepped back only to have him attack me again.

I felt myself get stronger and I drove my knife to his arm but only managed a small cut. He slashes across the air cutting strands of my hair and I felt even more rage erupt from me. I stabbed his leg and he kicks back knocking the air out of my lungs. Only one of us are coming out of this alive and I won't let him end me either.

I launched forward but I felt something hit me at the back of my head knocking me to the ground. I felt a foot pin me down and as soon as the knife left my hand the rage slowly left my body. I looked up to see the same man and another person and this time it had a mask but I could not see anything else as my vision blurred.

I could only hear a few words come out their mouths and the man in the white hoodie spoke,

"She can fight back I admit."

"We can't stall for too long, Jeff."

I looked up only to be met with a punch to the face knocking me out completely.

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