Chapter 6

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After that horrific incident I sat down and gathered my thoughts. There are people looking for me thinking I murdered someone and what's worse is that they also think I am in a conspiracy with him. This all felt like a long drawn out nightmare and no matter how much I try to wake up it just doesn't end.

I am shocked about the events but Jeff is right, if I were to go back and turn myself in there is no other way around that video of me doing what Jeff did but instead of him it was my face and my body throwing that weapon. How could it be possible?

I know he knows something but he just won't tell me and even if I ask he won't utter a word about it making things harder for me. I got up and heard him call for me saying that we needed to leave in case anybody else turns up.

I hated the fact that I follow him but what other choice do I have? I missed my parents and if mom knew about what has happened to me she would be heartbroken. I wanted to tell them that it wasn't me, to hug them and say that I'm alright but right now it's impossible.

We went out where we first entered the gates and Jeff grabbed a motorcycle on the way out as it is the only thing available. He throws me a jacket and tells me to put it on so I did. He gets on and ushers me to get on as well as he starts the engine. Luckily this one had it's keys still in the ignition and the both of us sped off down the leaf-covered path.

I held onto him and it felt awkward as I am not used to riding such vehicle and if I were to move I'd probably fall and hurt myself. He is going down pretty fast but managed to steer the handle swiftly. At least he knows how to drive this thing.

HIs back radiated heat and it felt nice. His broad back relaxed as he connects into the main road and I put on my hood to avoid anyone seeing my face. We we're fugitives and I rather not get into trouble for now after what just happened.

"Where are we going?"

"My place."

"You...have a place?"

I didn't know that killers like him would have a place to stay in. I thought that they would jump from one place to another to avoid cops coming after them. He speeds up and I held onto him feeling myself fall back as I hugged him close to me. He chuckles and I told him to slow down or that he'll kill us both.

I peered on my right and watched the trees pass by, the beautiful sun kissing my skin with it's radiant glow. I held on to his clothes and looked around to see a checkpoint up ahead.

"Shit. We got company." He mutters.

I looked over his shoulder and saw cops at the end of the road. However Jeff did not slow down but only sped up.

"What the fuck? Don't you dare!"

He doesn't listen and the motorcycle zooms down the road breaking the bar that stopped the vehicles from moving. I looked behind me and he just roars into laughter. I watched as they got into their cars and the sirens blared.

"Jeff they're on our tails!"

"I know just fucking calm down. Let them chase us."

I panicked but somehow deep inside I felt excitement and couldn't help but smile. All my life I tried to be good and avoided trouble. Now that this is happening I feel different. Like the shackles of me worrying about being a bad daughter or someone who caused trouble as a kid had been lifted off for once, with no one to call me out.

I giggled and Jeff says,

"Oh? Well, aren't you having fun?"

The cops shouted in their speakers to tell us to stop our vehicle or they would start shooting. Jeff gives them the finger and I could hear gun shots from behind. The thrill of it pumped me up and I looked behind me to see 3 cars chasing after us.

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