Chapter Seven

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Chapter seven

Riley - A Life Sentence

"A penny for your thoughts." I turn to the girl sitting next to me. She looks at me curiously her bangs covering the right side of her face. "Pardon?" I ask her not sure what she said.

"Are you even listening to me?" Her eyebrows come together in frustration. She has probably been talking for a long time. My head started to pound again as I listened to her. I should have avoided her for the entire ride. It wasn't like I would have to put up with her for much longer. This marriage will not last longer than the Kardashian marriage.

"I'm sorry. What were you saying?" She looks away but not before I notice her lips. The way they looked in that particular light bought her my undivided attention. My efforts to apologize don't get me anywhere with her. It doesn't really matter what I say or do at this point. Her body is turned completely away from me. Even her back is sexy. There isn't a part of her that I am dissatisfied with which provokes me to my last nerve. Usually I can find flaws in women within seconds. Karmen is proving to be the exception to everything.

Maybe I did something wrong and this is the universe getting its revenge. I must have done something unforgivable for the universe to pair me with this woman. The universe has a very dark sense of humor if you ask me.

"Just tell me that your father will not have me killed for being stupid enough to marry you." She looks worried. I glare at her but can't imagine being in her shoes, after all, everything about our situation makes no sense at all. She doesn't seem like she has ever seen a woman other than either a friend or a threat. She's straight and pregnant so it's not logical for her to marry a woman in the first place.

I wanted to ask her so many questions but stopped myself. I shouldn't know anything not even her name, especially her name. in a few hours it would have all been a bad dream. She will be back wherever the global she came from and I will be at my best friends wedding having their very expensive wine. That is assuming they have fine wine and not the generic brand.

"Nothing is going to happen. We will get a divorce don't you worry about that." She is not the only one who wants an out. I am crazy but I don't get drunk and marry someone I just met no matter how much alcohol is in my bloodstream.

She still fidgets with her hair which is something that she does a lot. She also plays with the end of her dress. I look away not wanting to learn her habits. In a few hours I may not even see her ever again. It really shouldn't even bother Me what she does or doesn't do.

"Do you think we could be friends after all this is over?" She asks as we land. I turn to her not really sure why she would ask such a thing. I thought she didn't like me. And plus, I already have enough friends. Carrie would have a field day with this if she ever found out which is exactly why she never will.

"I wouldn't mind the occasional ride in
the presidential jet. It's not everyday one marries his daughter and goes to meet him in his personal jet. " Her grin is irritating. Her whole demeanor is irritating. She notices my reaction to her not so funny remark and only grins even brighter.

"Of you want, You can have it as long as I get my divorce. Hell you can have the presidency as long as I get my divorce." She smiles even wider saying that it won't be a problem. My cheeks hurt just looking at her. I take her word and hope she keeps it. As much fun as it has been I need her out of my life so I can move on. I have never been wifely material. A girl has never lasted more than a few weeks. Long term commitment to a straight girl was never the plan. Commitment is not even a word.

"Miss Wilson your father is waiting for you in his office." The bodyguard takes my eyes away from Karmen's butt. When she turns I clear my throat and grab my phone away from the charging post. Karmen of course notices my staring but surprisingly doesn't say anything about it.

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