Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

A Nexus Night

The sun was setting when waking up creating a light shade of orange around the room. The alarm is blaring waiting to be turned off. The sound finally gets to me so I pull the covers off my body and get out of bed. Pressing the off button the alarm finally stops.

The apartment comes alive as the lights turn on. The sound of running water in the bathroom, the sound of pouring coffee, the sound of the microwave heating my breakfast, and the sound of my music at high volume made me instantly smile. I love this place.

Stretching my body I grab a towel off the shelf and go down the stairs bobbing my head to the music.

"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun." I sang along to Foster the People.

I make my way to through the kitchen and living room into the bathroom. I made the complaint about a week ago about the bathroom upstairs but I was told to wait patiently. I am not a very patient person so complaining again in most definitely in today's agenda.

Stripping out of my clothes I get into the shower and let the warm water take me away into a beautiful bliss. The music is still going on strong in the other room. I sing along to it until the song finishes. When the new song comes on I once again I sing along at the top of my lungs.

"Mr know it all

Well ya think you know it all

But ya don't know a thing at all

Ain't it something y'all

When somebody tells you something bout you

Think that they know you more than you do

So you take it down another pill to swallow."

I apply shampoo while singing along. I run my hands all over my head evenly spreading the shampoo all over my scalp. This has got to be the best shower I have ever taken.

"Mr bring me down

Well ya like to bring me down don't ya

But I ain't laying down, baby

I ain't going down

Can't nobody tell me how it's gonna be

Nobody gonna make a fool out of me

Baby you should know that I lead not follow."

The song continues but by now I tune everything out and just enjoy the warm shower. Finally after applying the conditioner and scrubbing my entire body, I get out of the shower and wrap the towel around my body.

Thank God this apartment is soundproof or I would have been kicked out a long time ago. Bill can't stand me and cannot wait until I mess up and I leave, while the girl the staff, the ones I haven't slept with, love me and want me to stay. Well to be fair they came onto me but hey, I'm not complaining.

I dry my hair with an extra towel and head towards the kitchen. The coffee is fresh and ready. My favorite black cup is beside the coffee pot so I just pour some in it and add some sugar. I savor the taste as it travels down my system. The microwave beeps indicating that the pancakes are done so I get a plate and the syrup bottle. Once the pancakes are on the plate with syrup on top, I dig in.

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