Smokey Anders

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"Freya.", she introduced herself as she accepted the handshake. "And this is my best friend, Geraldine, but we all call her Zukky."

Geraldine smiled at the introduction.

"So you and Jerome, huh?" Freya said slyly. "How did you guys meet? Your Facebook page says you guys have something special."

"We met at college," Jerome answered. "Fall of the Second year...." He looked at Freya who had this super amazing expression on. "Wait a minute, what are you thinking?"

"You said he was your date." She said, perplexed at the question.

"Oh Almighty!" he rubbed his face.

"Freya...!!" Geraldine cautioned her.

"What? You guys are not...?" The boys shook their heads. "So you're not...?" They shook their heads again.

"Oh...." she shrunk into her seat embarrassed. Cosmo couldn't help but laugh at the whole ordeal.

"We're best buds, not whatever was in your mind." He cleared up. "How we met? Same food convention. Fall of the second year at College and we've been attending every year."

"Sorry about that." She apologized.

"No biggie," he said casually.

"I don't accept that apology," Jerome stated out sounding hurt.

"I said I was sorry, Jerome." she cried out in plea.

"Nuh-uhh. You know me better than anyone Frey. How could you assume I was gay?" He was clearly upset.

"Don't shout at her," Geraldine spoke up. "It's not her fault to think you were. Besides, you've never really shown any interest in girls before so it was kind of expected."

"I haven't shown any interest in girls 'cause I'm faithful," he said defensively.

"You've been faithful since you were ten? Boy, she really must be something." Geraldine said surprised. "For a while there I actually thought you were asexual." He looked wide-eyed at her. "What? I'm not as humble as Freya."

"Bro, you have a girlfriend and you didn't tell me?" Cosmo asked, now sounding hurt.

"No. I'm still working on it.", he answered shyly, avoiding their stares.

They all looked at Jerome and then at one another. Even though they didn't know each other, they all knew they had one thing in common; and that was him. Unlike boys his age, Jerome preferred to stay away from the womenfolk. So it was an obvious shock to them that he even had someone in mind.

"Wait a minute," Freya called out breaking the silence. "You have a girlfriend-to-be and you never told me?"

"I was going to tell you.... eventually," he said guiltily.

"Oh! Hell no.", she slammed the table, standing up and bending towards him. "You owe me the story of a lifetime, Mister," she concluded, pointing at him.

He nodded his head in approval and also fear. With the rest of the gang laughing their butts off.

"Okay. So this might not be the right time but, which one of you is gonna be my date." Cosmo asked after they had all calmed down.

"That is definitely wrong timing," Freya said laughing again, sipping on a milkshake.

"Princess Zukky herself," Jerome answered dramatically, pointing at Geraldine.

"Oh!", he responded, clearly disappointed.

"That was unexpectedly not so cheerful.", Jerome said surprised.

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