Yummy Desires

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The sky had begun to get darker and the air cooler. Chlori scones had reduced in customers and the staff was cleaning up the tables in preparation for the evening rush. Freya and Cosmo walked into the café laughing amongst themselves, seemingly having had a good time themselves.

'Hey, you two!' Freya said cheerily as they approached them. She sat beside Geraldine and looked from her to Jerome.

'Hey!' she called at him forcefully. He looked at her shocked. 'What the hell did you do to my sister?'

'I didn't do anything.' Jerome defended.

'What do you mean you didn't anything? If you didn't do anything, then why is her face all downcast?'

'How should I know? It's her face.' He ranted out, more rattled and annoyed.

Cosmo laughed at their ranting and sat beside Jerome. 'You spent the whole day with her. Of course, you should know.'

'Whose side are you on?' he faced him 'You just spent two hours together and you're already on her side. What kind of friend are you?'

'Well, it can't be helped.' He shrugged, smiling to himself.

'Oh shut up.' He said 'Where did you guys go?'

'The best outdoor stalls I've ever been to in my entire life.' Freya fawned.

'Of course. And the only way to Freya's heart.' Jerome completed whilst rolling his eyes.

'So,' he continued, 'how'd you figure that out?'

'A lucky guess,' he shrugged.

Jerome sighed again; watching Freya storm on about the food she had tried under two short hours. He had to hand this one to Cosmo: the guy knew his street food.

"Well, I don't mind being a party pooper. But I think we're gonna have a lot more fun and eats at the convention. So, shall we?" Jerome said as he prepped to stand.

"Yes, let's." Freya jumped heartily. She ran up to Cosmo and grabbed him on the arm "And you are gonna be my guide." Jerome cringed at the position they took, he was usually the one linked with Freya at group outings.

Smiling like a kid, he led her and the rest to Van and they went off.....merrily, you could say.


"You think you're so smart. Well, not that you aren't.", Geraldine said slyly with a cunning smirk on her face.

"What do you mean?" Bukas asked curiously.

"You think I didn't notice you've been keeping tabs on me?" She gave a winning smile.

"Nwanyi-Oma (Beautiful Woman), you are more than I expected." He said sheepishly, visibly enthralled by her charm.

"Oh, I am... and a lot more too. But I'd be lying if I said your tenaciousness hadn't gotten me interested."

"Interested?" he questioned her further, loving her pride-filled aura.

"Yes, completely interested. My full attention." She carried on in an even more seductive voice; walking closer to him.

"So how much is your full attention?" he asked in a joy-filled voice.

"This big" she gestured with her hands, and an expression of desperation.

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