Part One

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I can hear the monster. I hear the bloody screams and the noises of the monsters eating my family alive. I'm in my closet, trying not to cry. It gets harder and harder each second, I feel like I can't breathe. *15 minutes later* "I can't hear the monster anymore.." You think to yourself. You get up and slowly open the closet door trying to not make any noise. As you open the door, you can see your siblings and your parents remains on the ground. You drop down to your knees and cry, but you're trying to not make any noise. You realize that it's going to get dark soon and it's not safe here. You grab and throw all of your stuff in your torn up backpack. Then, you finally start your journey. You make your way out of the door when you almost trip while going down your door step. You look around cautiously for any monsters. You then quickly remembered that you forgot to pack water and food. You hurry up back inside and see a monster inside. You run back outside and sprint as fast as you can. Can this day get any worse!? You think to yourself while sprinting. You spot a bench and decide to take a rest for a few minutes. You can't stay for long though. You already start to notice that the sky is turning into a dark blue, which means it's time to find a place to stay quickly. You run around looking for some sort of shelter or a family you can stay with. After some time of looking you notice a waterfall. You look closely and see a grown man with a boy. The boy has cute brown curly hair, he looks kinda cute. Cut it out y/n, you don't even know the kid, you think to yourself. You start to walk up to them, but they don't notice you. They have their backs facing you since they are looking at the waterfall. You carefully walk up to them and tap the grown man on his shoulder. The guy turns around quickly, looking scared for his life. The boy turns around too. You start to blush a little. The boy has light freckles and has cute honey brown eyes. You look away from the boy and you turn to the grown man. They both stand up and the man starts talking with his voice. The man says, "Are you okay?? Do you need help??"Your eyes widen and start to look around for monsters. The boy notices that you are shaking. He walks up to you and puts his hand on your shoulder. He says to you, "It's okay, the monsters can't hear us. The waterfall is too loud for them to hear us." You look at the boy and sigh. You look at the man and answer his question from earlier. You  respond to him by saying, "Yes, I'm okay. I just need a place to stay for a little since it's getting dark." They both look up and they didn't even realize that the sky is a very dark blue. I guess they were too busy talking to each other and didn't notice, you think to yourself. The man says, "You could stay with us if you like. We don't mind." You then say, "Are you sure? I don't want to force you.." The man nods his head, meaning it's okay for you to stay with them. You guys all start walking to the house. (Sorry if this part was so long)

Silent Love.. Marcus Abbott x readerWhere stories live. Discover now