Part Two

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You all start walking back to the house and while you guys are walking the man signs, "Do you know sign language?" You nod your head yes. You know sign language but you aren't fluent at it. You had to learn it to communicate with your family and other people. The man then signs again, "We haven't gotten your name yet. My name is Lee. And my son is Marcus." I'm guessing that his son is the boy next to me. I answered Lee by signing, "My name is y/n, and also thank you so much both of you for letting me stay." Marcus signs, "Its totally okay, me and my sister Regan need company anyways." I gently smile at Marcus and blush a bit. Lee then signs, "What happened to your parents? Do they know you are here?" You look at Lee with a sad look. Marcus notices that you are starting to tear up and he rubs your back. You turn to look at Marcus with tears running down your cheeks. He wipes your tears and signs, "I'm so sorry about your parents, just know that my mother and father will take care of you as if you are their child." You smile at him while looking into his eyes and you notice he blushed a little. You look down at your feet to break eye contact so it won't get awkward. You notice a farm with a house in the distance. Marcus points to the house and signs, "That is where you are going to be staying with us." You look at him and sign, "Your house is really pretty." He smiles at you and then looks forward again.

Marcus's POV:
The first time I saw y/n, I thought she was really pretty. She has emerald green eyes and dark brown hair that make her eyes stand out. She has light freckles like me and a beautiful smile. I'm really happy she's staying with us. Me and Regan really need friends and we have been so bored during these past few months. When Dad mentioned y/n parents, she started crying for some reason. I think her parents got killed by the monsters. I felt really bad for her at that moment. I started rubbing her back and she looked at me with tears rolling down her cheeks. I wiped her tears and that seemed to calm her down a bit. She looked at me with her luscious green eyes. I wanted to hold her hand at that point because she still seemed upset. But I figured it would make it really awkward since my Dad is right next to us and we just met each other. It's just the way she looked at me, I could tell I blushed a little and I knew she noticed that too. I don't want to say I like her, but I definitely think I'm going to enjoy my time with her.

Back to y/n POV:

We finally reached the house right when the sky turned black and we could see the stars. I walked in the house and admired it a little. I think Marcus noticed me and giggled a bit. I could feel him staring at me as I walked around the house. He then said to me, "You really like the house huh?" My eyes widened again. Marcus noticed and told me, "It's okay, my dad sound proofed the house so we can talk." I just love Marcus's voice. He has a sweet British accent and it just makes me calm. I asked Marcus, "Where am I going to sleep tonight?" He quickly responded and he didn't hesitate, "In my room!" I looked at him like he was crazy. "In your room?" I asked. "Yeah, there isn't enough space in my sisters room so you get to sleep in my room." He said. "Okay. Where's your room?" I asked. He took my hand and lead me upstairs. His hand was super soft and cold. He opened the door for me and I went inside. I turned around and looked at him. "Where should I sleep in your room?" He started blushing and I waited for a response. "In my bed.." he said. My cheeks started turning a bright pink and I felt so embarrassed. I turned around and admired his room. I turned to him again and asked, "Where are you going to sleep?" His face turned a bright pink and told me, "I would sleep on the floor but we don't have a mattress.. so I would have to sleep in my bed.. with you..." Right then and there my face turned REALLY red, like a tomato. He started laughing and said, "I don't think it's that bad. We can have a pillow in between us if you want." I told him, "Sure, if that's okay with you." He nodded his head. I heard my stomach grumble and he heard it too. "I'm guessing your hungry?" Marcus said. "Yes very, I haven't eaten anything all day." I told him. He looked at me concerned at took my hand downstairs. On the last step of the stairs, he fell since he was running down the stairs.

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