Part Three

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He fell down the last step of the stairs and I fell on top of him. Our faces were an inch away from each other and it felt like we were about to kiss. I quickly got off him. I put out my hand for him so he could get up. He quickly said, "I'm so clumsy, I'm so sorry." Just then, a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes came to us. "Is everything okay Marcus?!" she asked concerned. "Yeah Mom, everything is okay." He answered. The woman looked at me and said, Hi! You must be y/n. Lee told me about you. My name is Evelyn. Nice to meet you!" I smiled at her and said, "Thank you, it's nice to meet you too." Evelyn smiled at me and she went back to where she was before. Marcus looked at his hand and he noticed we are still holding hands. He looked back at me and smirked. I noticed and I quickly let go. His smirk faded as I let go though. A few seconds later, Marcus said, "Let's get you some food."

(Big time skip because I'm lazy)

5 months later

I woke up to the sounds of the birds chirping and also to my head on my Marcus's chest and my leg wrapped around his. He was awake and was playing with my hair. I also noticed he had his hand on my thigh. Me and Marcus got closer and closer each month. We still sleep with the pillow beside us except the pillow right now is on the floor. He noticed that I was awake and said, "Good morning princess" Marcus made up that nickname for me when we got really bored once and played princess and prince. Marcus didn't seem to care that my head was on his chest. "Good morning Marcus" I told him. "Why don't you call me prince:(" Marcus said, frowning. "Because you aren't one" I smirked at him. I have liked Marcus for a while now, probably for 3 months. I don't really think he likes me back though. He probably only sees me as a best friend, which is why I won't confess.

Marcus POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night to y/n's head on my chest and her leg wrapped around mine. I never noticed how cute she is when she sleeps. I mean, this is the first time she has cuddled with me before. I slowly put my hand on her thigh. Everything about this girl is perfect. I have liked y/n ever since me and my dad saw her at the waterfall 5 months ago. Me and her have gotten closer everyday. I don't think she likes me back though since I'm always the one flirting with her. She always thinks it's a joke but I take it seriously. I check the time and it's currently 5:08 AM. I kissed her on her head and started playing with her hair. I couldn't sleep after that. It felt like I was in a dream, except I wasn't and this was really happening right now. Regan really enjoys being with y/n. They are like best best best friends. They share everything with each other and she hangs out with Regan a lot. My dad and my mom also say that y/n is a great influence and is a really good girl. Sometimes, they catch me looking at her and wink at me. I think they want me to shoot my shot. I just have to have the perfect time to say it to her.

Back to y/n POV:

I looked at Marcus in his eyes and I had the urge to kiss him right then and there and he was leaning in for it too. I thought it was the perfect time until we heard footsteps. I quickly sat up and Marcus grabbed the pillow on the there and put it between us. Lee opened the door and said, "Marcus, we need to go fishing for dinner." "But dad, it's still morning, it's 10:56." Marcus said. "Yes I know, but according to research, the monsters will be very active today. So, we need to be prepared and get everything now because we will have to stay inside the whole day." Lee answered. I could tell Marcus was scared. I knew that he has never went fishing before since it was too dangerous for him since he was little. But he's 14 now and I think his dad wants him to learn. Marcus looked at me and I put my hand over his hand under the covers and rubbed my thumb on his hand. That would always calm him down. Marcus then asked, "Can y/n come too?" Lee said, "Sure, as long as there's no funny behavior" he smirked. What was that supposed to mean?? I saw Marcus give him a death glare. Lee then walked out of the room and closed the door. Marcus looked at me like he wanted to tell me something. I could tell he was hesitating. I asked him, "Are you okay Marcus?" "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Let's get dressed and go." He responded.
( I am so sorry this part was so long)

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