Part Four

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We both got dressed and he slowly looked me up and down then walked up to me. He put his hand out for me to grab and said, " Shall we go, princess?" I giggled and said, "We shall, my prince." Marcus's eyes widened and he spun me around like I was a real princess and he was a real prince. He then said excitedly, "You called me a prince!!! I feel very proud." "Indeed I did. But don't take advantage of it." I told him and then giggled. He looked me in my eyes and held out his hand for me to take once again. I took his hand and he lead me downstairs to where Lee and Regan are. Regan is deaf, so we have to communicate with her using sign language. Marcus was putting on his shoes when I was trying to see what Lee and Regan were talking about. Regan looked like she was mad at Lee. Then I started to understand what Regan and Lee were saying. Apparently Regan can't come since she's deaf and all that stuff and it's too dangerous for her. I felt really bad when she stormed upstairs into her room. I sat down and put on my shoes and then Lee walked up to us. "Ready to go you guys?" He asked us. We both nodded our head and I could tell Marcus was really nervous when we walked out. Lee was walking in front of me and Marcus. I looked at Marcus and signed to him, "You okay?" He looked really scared. He signed back, "I'm just really nervous. I've never went fishing before and the monsters are gonna be active tonight. What if we don't make it out of here?" I signed back to him saying, "Don't worry about that, we are all going to be fine. And I'm here with you." I smiled and blushed. He blushed back but he still looked scared. I held his hand and the whole way to the waterfall we held hands.

Marcus POV:

I was still so scared of going fishing when first, I don't even know how too. Second, the monsters are gonna be more active tonight and third... I don't want y/n to get hurt. She's too special to me and.. I think today's the day I'm going to confess. I can't wait around any longer. I don't want her to find someone else. While we were walking, she noticed I was scared and held my hand. I got severe butterflies in my stomach. I love this girl so much. She's everything to me. I can't imagine life without her. She's my happiness. If anything happens to her, I don't know what I would do. My parents know that I like y/n. I told them yesterday before we went to sleep. Regan knows too because earlier in the morning she overheard my conversation with my parents yesterday. Regan was a bit mad because she thought that it would ruin her friendship with y/n but my parents and Regan still support me with her. We held hands the whole time until we got to the waterfall. I told my dad that I was going to confess to y/n yesterday so he would be prepared if anything happens. We finally got to the waterfall which seemed like hours of walking but we made it. We caught some fish and put them in a basket. And now, it's finally time. It's time for me to confess to y/n. I signed to my dad so y/n couldn't hear us, "I'm going to confess right now, can you go on the other side of the waterfall please? Just so it doesn't get awkward. And it might take like ten minutes if you don't mind." My dad nodded his head and went to the other side of the waterfall. I walked up to y/n and I sat down. "Hey y/n, I need to tell you something...important." I said. "Sure! What is it?" She said to me while sitting down next to me. "I- I like you y/n... I always have. Ever since I met you, I fell in love with you." I told her. I closed my eyes hoping for an answer. A few seconds later.. I felt something touch my lips. It was soft and it tasted like cherry chapstick. I opened my eyes and realized y/n was kissing me. My face turned so red I was even more red than a tomato. I closed my eyes again and we started making out. I started to take her hair and put it behind her ear so it won't get in her way. She put her hand on my cheek and I put my hand on her waist. 5 minutes later and we were still making out. I stopped kissing her and started kissing her neck slowly. She then said, "Marcus we should really go find your dad" but I ignored her and continued kissing her neck. "Marcus don't give me a hickey!" I stopped kissing her neck and stood up. "Let's go find my dad now, he's probably worried." I took my hand out for her to grab. We then walked on the other side of the fountain and saw my dad catching more fish just incase. Luckily, he didn't see anything that went down since the water was blocking it.

Back to y/n POV:

We finally got to the waterfall and caught some fish and put them in a basket. Marcus up to his dad to maybe ask him something so I looked away and admired the waterfall. Lee then nodded his head and walked to the other side of the waterfall. Marcus started walking up to me and sat down. I sat down with him. "Hey y/n, I need to tell you something... important." He told me. "Sure! What is it?" I said. "I- I like you y/n... I always have. Ever since I met you, I fell in love with you." He told me. He closed his eyes and I think he was waiting for an answer. I honestly didn't know what to say. I was speechless. I have been waiting for this moment for 5 months. I had the sudden urge to kiss him and I did. I closed my eyes and he kissed me back. He then put my hair behind my ear and I put my hand on his cheek. He put his hand on my waist and we started making out. About 5 minutes later we were still kissing and we didn't even stop to take a breath. He then suddenly stopped kissing me and he started trailing down my face with kisses until he reached my neck. He slowly started kissing my neck. It was the greatest feeling ever. I started playing with his hair as he was kissing my neck. I then said, "Marcus we should really go find your dad." But he just ignored me and kept on kissing my neck. But now he was kissing me even slower and I was afraid he was gonna give me a hickey. "Marcus don't give me a hickey!" I told him. He stopped kissing my neck and I was a little upset about it because I enjoyed it. He stood up and said, "Let's go find my dad now, he's probably worried." He put his hand out for me to grab and we walked to the other side of the waterfall. I don't think he saw us since he was too busy catching more fish. He then winked at Marcus and put a thumbs up. I saw Marcus smile at the corner of my eye. We started walking and since me and Marcus were talking to each other using sign language, we didn't really see Lee stopping so we bumped into his backpack. I looked over and saw an old man and looked down to see his wife ripped up and eaten. I almost gaged but Marcus saw and put his hand over my mouth. The man started getting ready to scream and Marcus immediately picked me up bridal style and hid behind a tree with me. Lee was hiding behind a tree in front of us. Marcus put his pointer finger to his lips and I silently cried. Marcus looked worried and wiped my tears. Lee looked over and saw the monster eating the guy so we thought this was our chance to run. We ran and ran for what seemed like hours until we got back home. We were out of breath and we were so tired. Me and Marcus went upstairs to his bedroom to get some rest but we ended up making out.. again. This time it was just for three minutes. When we were done, we went downstairs to announce that we were dating and we all ate dinner. After dinner, Lee locked all the windows and doors in the house since the monsters are active tonight. Me and Marcus went upstairs and we cuddled together and he fell asleep. Playing with Marcus's hair curly hair calms me and I was scared for tonight. I kissed him on his forehead and went to sleep.

You guys already guessed it! Happy ending. I'm so sorry if this story felt like I was sexualizing noah especially with the making out part. My intentions were not to sexualize him but other than thag I really hope you enjoyed this story!! Thank you bye and remember your loved<33

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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