The Announcement

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                         Peter's POV.                         

I was about to mentally scold myself for stuttering when I was pulled into a huge hug. "What's up lil Pete" Quill asked after let go "Nothing much big Quill" I replied as he ruffled my hair. "We missed you so much, also we got you something" Gamora said giving me a cool Alien device. "Wow this is so cool!" I gushed looking at the device. "Rocket made it, he thought you might like it" She stated pointing to the Raccoon "really" I asked looking at him with a big smile "don't make a big deal out of it" he tried to brush it off but I gave him a huge hug. "I am groot" ( hey Peter) groot said startling me " Oh hey groot wanna play me in Call of Duty later" I asked with a smile "I am groot" (you're on) he replied with a smile making me laugh.

"Yo were my favorite colonizer at" Shuri asked Walking this way. "I don't know, where my favorite genius at" I replied making Mr. Stark let out an offended gasp. "So good to see you Meme Queen" I stated with a bow and a smirk "and you as well Ciniman roll" she replied with a courtesy before we both fell into a fit of laughter. "Good to see you again Peter" King T'challa said "You too T'challa" I said with a smile before walking away to say hi to everyone else.

"Hey Peter Parker long time no see" Carol said making me laugh at the memory of when we first met. "Hey Ms. Danvers good to see you again" I said with a smile. "Please just call me Carol kid" she said putting her hand out "well nice to see you again Carol" I said shaking her hand. "So you're the infamous Peter" I jumped at the sudden voice before quickly turning around in a defensive position before noticing it was the Nick Fury. "Oh   Mr. Fury nice to meet you" I said very nervous making Carol laugh. "Stop intimidating Peter Fury" Carol said leaning on Mr. Fury's shoulder making me laugh.

Just then Mr. Stark started talking "as you know I have an important announcement to make." There was a corus of yeahs and duhs that followed. "Well here it is Peter could you come up here for a second" He asked looking at me as I quickly walked to his side. "Peter ever since I met you, you've brightened up my life and I think the same thing goes for everyone else here." He stated, to which everyone agreed "And you're always up to sacrifice your life for someone else no matter who they are"  He continued with a smile. "Peter I don't want to be unofficial family" when he said that the whole world seemed to stop. I thought he would be different. I thought he cared about me, but all he sees me as is some reckless kid.

"ETER PETER PETER" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone call my name "huh" I asked when I was pulled out of my thoughts. "I must've lost you there" Mr. Stark said when he noticed I was  back "anyway like I was saying I don't want to be your unofficial family I want to be there when you're about to do something stupid, I want to help you with your homework when you need it, I want to be there for you no matter what, so Peter Benjamin Parker will you be my son." Tony asked and I burst into tears hugging him as tight as I could.

"Yes, I want to be your son" I said through tears still hugging him. "That's a relief I didn't want to have done paperwork for nothing" Dad laughed through tears. "I guess that means I can officially call you dad" I said laughing. "Only if you're okay with it." He stated sternly. "Well in that case, I love you dad" I said. hugging him a little harder careful not to use super strength. "I love you too son" He replied making me hug even tighter.

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